
Rekonstruktion der Abkühlungsgeschichte des Damara-Orogens in Südwest-Afrika mit Hilfe von Spaltspuren-Altern

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The fission track ages of 23 andradite rich garnets, 10 epidotes, 4 vesuvianites and 61 apatites were determined. The combination of these data with those from classical radiometric techniques permitted to reconstruct in great detail the cooling history of the young-Precambrian Damara-Orogen in South West Africa. By this method the low temperature region below ∼300° C (closing temperature for Ar in biotite) became accessible because the minerals used begin to retain tracks only at considerably lower temperatures. Whereas the K/Ar ages of biotite lie rather uniformly close to 485 m. y. in the whole area studied (approximately 80 000 km2) the contrary is true for the fission track ages: Low garnet ages (closing temperature -∼, 260-280° C) of ∼300-350 m. y. in one zone and high ages of ∼490 m. y. and concordance with K/Ar biotite ages in the other. The distribution of the apatite ages (closing temperature 70-80° C) is analogous: Low ages of 80-120 m. y. where garnet is young and ages of 200-300 m. y. where garnet is old. The two areas are separated from each other by a narrow transition zone which sometimes is less than 10 km wide. The low ages are found where the highest temperatures of > 660° C at ∼3 kb were reached during the peak of metamorphism. The high temperature plateau was about 300 km wide. The jump from low to high fission track ages occurs at the margin of the plateau, where the isotherms become steep during metamorphism and where — at the now exposed surface — the pressures were higher but the temperatures lower. This congruence of the high temperature zone with the region of low fission track ages is further accentuated by the observation that the absolutely lowest ages (track and K/Ar) are found only where incipient anatexis occurred.

Publication Title:

Geologische Rundschau

Item Type:
Journal Article

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