Design and evaluation of a veterinary information system for Namibia
Publication Year:
A computer system for collection of animal disease and related data was set up by the Directorate of Veterinary Services in 1985, and data are available from 1986 up to the present. The nationwide system consists of detailed disease and herd health data from field veterinarians, disease and related data (such as grazing and animal condition, vaccinations and farmer treatments) from animal health inspectors, laboratory results and investigations, and abattoir data. More recently, a socio-economic component has also been added. Considerable care has been taken to link related information. In addition, all data are geographically linked through a placename co-ordinate and attribute file, and a crude but effective automated map presentation system exists. The standard objectives of an information system (which were not historically met), namely, to facilitate the collection of complete, accurate, timely and relevant data which are easily accessible and processible, and in this way provide a better basis for management decision-making as well as for specific studies and queries, were strived for. The system has proved particularly valuable in terms of automation of routine reports and in answering ad hoc queries. It is underutilised with regard to epidemiological studies, but we feel that it holds great potential. Keywords: Information system, Veterinary services, Namibia.
Publication Title:
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Item Type:
Journal Article

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