
Evaluation of the cultivation trials of indigenous/traditional green leafy vegetables under the IGLV-VIVA 2005-2006 program

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Traditional vegetables are a valuable source of nutrition in rural areas where exotic species are not available, and contribute substantially to protein, mineral and vitamin intake. Many of Africa's traditional vegetables, particularly the leafy green vegetables, are weedy, semi-cultivated species which have received very little attention in the way of research, management and inputs. They are mostly managed, used and sold by women and in some cases by children. However domestication and cultivation of wild plants have become more important due to the ever-increasing demand for food production. Among those domesticated, best known and widely used in Namibia are the leafy vegetables like Cleome gynandra, Amaranthus thunbergii and Hibiscus sabdariffa. All are considered traditional leafy vegetables and are well known in the northern parts of Namibia. However apart from Hibiscus sabdariffa which is cultivated mainly for it's leaves in the Kavango region, most are only used as catch crops during the rainy-season.

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