
Phytosociology of the farm Haribes in the Nama-Karoo biome of southern Namibia

Publication Year:

Limited historic vegetation data (prior to the 1980s) are available for Namibia. Finding such historic data at Haribes prompted a follow-up survey of the vegetation. We present a classification of the recent data in this paper as a first step towards comparing the two data sets. Six new associations (three with two subassociations each) are formally described. The landscape at Haribes is dominated by a pan with surrounding hummock dunes. The pan supports the Lycio cinereum – Salsoletum, whilst on the hummock dunes the Salsolo – Tetragonietum schenckii can be found. The surrounding plains and escarpment can be divided into three landforms: the torras with the Monsonio umbellatae – Boscietum foetidae, the ranteveld with the Acacio senegal – Catophractetum alexandri (and two subassociations) and calcrete ridges with the Zygophylo pubescentis – Leucosphaeretum bainesii. Dry river beds on the farm support two subassociations of Anthephoro pubescentis – Ziziphodetum mucronatae. The area covered by each dominant landform has been calculated after being mapped. The composition and diversity of the associations are briefly compared to other known vegetation descriptions within the Nama-Karoo. Since November 2011, Haribes has been used as a resettlement farm. This may result in the overutilisation of the limited grazing resources, to the extent that the present, fairly dense Acacio senegal – Catophractetum alexandri of the ranteveld is feared to become degraded to resemble the Monsonio umbellatae – Boscietum foetidae of the torras.

Publication Title:

Koedoe - African Protected Area Conservation and Science

Item Type:
Journal Article