
Kunene Regional Ecological Analyses: Assisting Conservancies with Seasonal Wildlife Monitoring. Progress and Methods

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Throughout March and April of 2012, Round River Conservation Studies continued its work with 5 communal conservancies and the Namibia Ministry of Environment and Tourism to conduct wildlife surveys to support wildlife monitoring in the Kunene Region. Our surveys are designed to supplement the North-West Annual Game Counts by providing wildlife count data during other times of the year or in areas not currently sampled during the Annual Game Count. Our methods use a sampling design and standardized data collection protocols similar and compatible to the Annual Game Count. During the second field season (March-April 2012), completed were 1,627 km of vehicular game count surveys with 108.3 hours of observation time; 25 foot-accessed timed point count surveys for 50 hours of observation time; and further exploration of remote-triggered cameras. With assistance provided by the Conservancy Game Guards, surveys were completed in 5 Kunene conservancies: Anabeb, Ehirovipuka, Omatendeka, Sesfontein and Torra. During the vehicular surveys, 18 different wildlife species were observed, of which 9 of these species were also observed during point count surveys. The most common species included gemsbok, springbok and zebra. Two test camera stations captured leopards, lion, cape fox, honey badger, and porcupine, as well as a diversity of more common species. As these survey efforts are repeatedly completed each year during February-April and October-November they will provide additional species abundance and seasonal distribution information for the conservancies and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

Series Title:
Assisting Conservancies with Seasonal Wildlife Monitoring - Round River Conservation Studies
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Kunene Regional Ecological Analyses.pdf 1.57 MB