
Mitigation of human-elephant conflict in the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area through Community Based Problem Animal Control, with particular reference to the use of chilli peppers

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This initial analysis has confirmed that human-elephant conflict (HEC) is escalating in Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe and is likely to be further accentuated as the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) is developed. With the increasing movement of elephants into south-eastern Angola, HEC incidents seem inevitable there too. Although good systems have been developed for monitoring and evaluating HEC, there is little or no consistency on methodology within and between the five KAZA TFCA countries. The highly variable nature of recording HEC data within the KAZA TFCA makes it very difficult to compile quality national and regional assessments of the scale of the problem. However, it is possible at this stage of our knowledge to identify national HEC "hotspots", but further work is required to put these in an order of priority at a national level, and even more work is required to rank these "hotspots" at a regional level because of the differences between countries in recording HEC.

Final Report
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