
2008 Status report for Protected Important Bird Areas of Botswana

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BirdLife Botswana (the BirdLife partner in Botswana) identified and documented 12 sites as Important Bird Areas (IBAs) of Botswana. These sites are; Chobe National Park, Linyanti Swamps, Okavango Delta, Lake Ngami, Central Kalahari and Khutse Game Reserves (CKGR), Makgadikgadi Pans, Gemsbok National Park, Tswapong Hills, Mannyelanong Hill, Phakalane Sewage ponds, South Eastern Botswana and Bokaa Dam. Even though a huge amount of work has been done by BirdLife Botswana, monitoring efforts in these areas lack adequate co-ordination. This has been largely due to insufficient funding for designing and achieving the active participation of stakeholders in monitoring and reporting on IBAs. If monitoring is neglected, the true impact of conservation action is hard to evaluate. In 2007 BirdLife Botswana together with seven other African countries (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe) benefited from European Commission funding to pilot a reporting mechanism for biodiversity at PAs using the Pressure-State-Response model adapted from the global IBA monitoring framework. The target sites for the project in Botswana are IBAs overlapping protected areas as listed above. However the Linyanti Swamps IBA, though not protected, was also considered, thereby increasing the list to seven.

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2008_Botswana_IBA_monitoring_report.pdf 1.81 MB