
Promoting dialogue and raising awareness: Land reform and the Arts in Namibia

Publication Year:

The authors provide an overview of the main elements of land reform in Namibia initiated by a 1991 high-level conference on land issues to undo past discrimination and to foster socio-economic development for all Namibian citizens. The responsible Ministry of Lands and Resettlement launched several art projects to promote the land reform agenda or specific aspects of it in communal and commercial areas. Besides reviewing the main achievements and challenges in implementing the reform 25 years after independence, the paper will discuss the purpose, concept and approaches of these projects. The authors will take into account relevant literature on the relationship between the arts, outreach and social change. The interplay will be examined between art and artistic expression on the one hand, and the educational side of discussing land-related technical and political issues on the other. By examining relevant project reports and analyzing the corresponding media coverage, the paper will attempt to assess the contribution of the art projects in fostering awareness and dialogue on such highly contentious and technical topic such as land reform in Namibia. Key Words: Land Reform, Arts, Outreach, Land Registration, Land Tenure.

Conference name:
2015 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, March 23-27, 2015
The World Bank - Washington DC
Item Type:
Conference Paper
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Land reform and the Arts in Namibia.pdf 516.89 KB