
Land Reforms: Prospects and Strategies

Publication Year:

Redistributive land reform may promote both equity and efficiency. Implementing such reform can be costly, however, and may not be the best way to achieve redistribution. If land redistribution is to be implemented, it should be based on a uniform land ceiling that can be exceeded if landowners are willing to pay a high enough price to do so. Owners of redistributed land should be permitted to rent out their land. Sales of redistributed land should however be restricted though not banned: sales that respect the land ceiling should permitted and a government body should be empowered to buy back land from those who need to sell. Land reform programs should be accompanied by agricultural extension and emergency income support programs. Where traditional (coercive) land reform is not possible, market-assisted reforms and tenancy reforms can be considered, but while they are easier to implement, they have important disadvantages.

Conference name:
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, Washington D.C. and MIT Department of Economics Working Paper No. 99
Item Type:
Conference Paper