
Technical Report on Hydro-electric Power Development in the Namibian section of the Okavango River Basin

Publication Year:

This report forms part of the Okavango River Basin Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Project. The overall project is funded by the Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO). Teams of specialists are involved in each of the three basin states, Angola, Namibia and Botswana. The Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) has the role of co-ordinating the specialist studies in Namibia. Colin Christian & Associates cc (CCA) was contracted by NNF to write the report on Hydro Power Development in the Namibian section of the Okavango River Basin (ORB). Colin Christian was approached by NNF because he led the team that undertook the Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment for the Popa Falls Hydro Power Project (Eco.plan 2003). This EIA was part of a Pre-Feasibility Study compiled for NamPower by Water Transfer Consultants (2003). Colin Christian had also undertaken a development plan for conservation and development of the Rundu Floodplain within the Rundu Townlands (Eco.plan 2002/3) and an EIA for the Kavango Biofuel Project (CCA 2007) proposed for most of the Namibian section of the River. These studies provide background information on the study areas.

Series Title:
Okavango River Basin: Trans-boundary Diagnostic Analysis Project
Item Type: