
Die im südlichen Afrika vorkommenden mit Troglops Erichson verwandten Gattungen (Coleoptera: Malachiidae)

Publication Year:

The genera related to Troglops Erichson occurring in South Africa are studied. A key to the genera and keys to the species of some of the genera are given. Four new genera, 30 new species and two new subspecies are described: i) Paradinometopus gen. nov. with two described species, Dinometopus peringuey Champion as type-species and Dinometopus albonotatus Pic, in new combinations, and two new species, Paradinometopus planicornis and P. reductipennis. ii) Morphotroglops gen. nov. with a single new species, transversesulcatus, as type-species. iii) Youngatroglops gen. nov. with Dinometopus donckieti Pic as type-species, five new species. Youngatroglops karrooensis, Y. frontalis, Y. endroedyi. Y. incisicollis and Y. denticollis, and two new subspecies, Youngatroglops donckieri confluens and Y. donckieri reductus; Youngatroglops thoracicus (Wittmer) comb. nov. is transferred from Troglops. iv) Afrotroglops gen. nov. with two new species, spinithorax as type-species and namaquensis, and two described species, macrocephalus Wittmer and minutulus Wittmer, both of which are transferred from the genus Matopius Champion. The genus Troglops Erichson includes six new species, erongoensis, fissicornis, clypeatus, orangeensis, paulodentatus and fossigerus. The genus Cephaloncus Westwood, with Chalicoroides Champion as a new synonym, includes four new species, Cephaloncus pictus, C. natalensis, C. incisoculatus and C. nigerrimus. The genus Dinometopus Gorham, with Anexodes Abeille de Perrin as a new synonym, contains four new species, Dinometopus coloratus, D. namibiensis, D. lamellatus and D. endroedyi. The genus Attalusinus Leng is recorded for the first time from Africa in the form of five new species, troglopsiformis, nodifer, penrithae, diabolicus and leveimpressus. The genus Chalicorus Erichson includes a single new species, reflexipennis, and Chalicorus vinula var. nigricollis Champion is given species status. In addition to the new taxa and nomenclatural changes, the material studied contributed significant new data on Troglops malkini Wittmer. Dinometopus cavifrons (Boheman), D. feroculus Champion, D. narebisanus Wittmer and D. andreaei Wittmer. Keywords: Coleoptera, Malachiidae, Troglops Erichson, Paradinometopus, Morphotroglops, Youngatroglops, Afrotroglops, Genera identification key, Species identification key.

Publication Title:

Annals of the Transvaal Museum

Item Type:
Journal Article