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McMullan SR, Ngwisanyi TH, Koosimile DI, Gledhill P 1992. Groundwater geophysics in the Kalahari.
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Groundwater geophysics in the Kalahari.pdf 802.65 KB
Gledhill PA, Koosimile DI, McMullan SR, Ngwisanyi TH 1992. The use and misuse of geophysics for borehole siting in the Kalahari.
McMullan SR, Gieske A, Campbell C 1992. Where on earth are we? (Applications of GPS navigation in Botswana)..
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Where on earth are we.pdf 893.25 KB
Shaw PA, Thomas DSG 1992. The quaternary geomorphology of the Kalahari.
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The quaternary geomorphology of the Kalahari.pdf 938.76 KB
1992. Kalahari Symposium 1992. November 1992, Windhoek, Namibia. Kalahari Symposium 1992. November 1992, Windhoek, Namibia. Organised by Geological Society of Namibia
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Kalahari symposium 1992_geological society of Namibia.pdf 9.89 MB
Simmons RE 1992. The status of coastal wetlands in Namibia. Wetlands conservation conference for southern Africa. Matiza, T.
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The status of coastal wetlands in Namibia_Simmons.pdf 2.3 MB
Brown CJ 1992. The status of cranes in Namibia. Proceedings of the 1st Southern African Crane Conference 73-78
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The status of cranes in Namibia.pdf 193.04 KB

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