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Brown CJ, Mendelsohn JM, Thomson N, Boorman M 2017. Checklist and analysis of the birds of Namibia as at 31 January 2016. Biodiversity Observations 8 (20) 1-153
Thomson N 2017. Rarities and interesting observations. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 26-31
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Rarities and Interesting Observations_50_1_2017.pdf 1.85 MB
Oschadleus HD 2017. Weaver longevity records from Namibia. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 25
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Weaver longevity records from Namibia.pdf 638.01 KB
Demasius E 2017. Bird Atlasing in the Hardap and //Karas Regions of Namibia, July 2016. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 18-24
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Bird Atlasing in the Hardap and Karas Regions_1965.pdf 1.42 MB
Kolberg H 2017. Status assessment of Namibia's vultures. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 9-17
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Status assessment of Namibias vultures.pdf 1.52 MB
Sack J 2017. Ringers' get-together 2016. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 6-8
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Ringers Get_together 2016.pdf 1.22 MB
Edmunds T 2017. Goshawk and Lions. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 2-5
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Goshawk and Lions.pdf 990.51 KB
Chambers LE, Barnard P, Poloczanska ES, Hobday AJ, Keatley MR, Allsopp N, Underhill LG 2017. Southern Hemisphere biodiversity and global change: Data gaps and strategies. Austral Ecology
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Southern Hemisphere biodiversity and global change.pdf 565.93 KB
Revermann R, Gonçalves FM, Gomes AL, Finckh M 2017. Woody species of the Miombo woodlands and geoxylic grasslands of the Cusseque area, south-central Angola. Check List 13 (1)
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Geoxylic grasslands_Angola_2016.pdf 4.98 MB
Muntifering JR, Linklater WL, Clark SG, Uri-Khob S, Kasaona JK, Uiseb K, du Preez P, Kasaona K, Beytell P, Ketji J, Hambo B, Brown MA, Thouless C, Jacobs S, Knight AT 2017. Harnessing values to save the rhinoceros: insights from Namibia. Oryx 51 (1) 98-105
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Harnessing values to save the rhinoceros_Insights from Namibia.pdf 113.24 KB
Garcia-Heras M-S, Mougeot F, Arroyo B, Avery G, Avery M, Simmons RE 2017. Is the Black Harrier Circus maurus a specialist predator? Assessing the diet of a threatened raptor species endemic to southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 88 (1) 1-8
Taylor A, Balfour D, Kirsty Brebner D, Coetzee R, Davies-Mostert H, Lindsey PA, Shaw J, 't Sas-Rolfes M 2017. Sustainable rhino horn production at the pointy end of the rhino horn trade debate. Biological Conservation 216 60-80
Evans JS, Eifler DA, Eifler MA 2017. Sand-diving as an escape tactic in the lizard Meroles anchietae. Journal of Arid Environments 140 1-5
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Sand_diving as an escape tactic in the lizard Meroles anchietae.pdf 444.63 KB
Tarnita CE, Bonachela JA, Sheffer E, Guyton JA, Coverdale TC, Long RA, Pringle RM 2017. A theoretical foundation for multi-scale regular vegetation patterns. Nature 541 398-401
Naidoo R, Kilian JW, du Preez P, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, Taylor RD, Stuart-Hill G 2017. Evaluating the effectiveness of local- and regional-scale wildlife corridors using quantitative metrics of functional connectivity. Biological Conservation (217) 96-103
Costanza R, de Groot R, Braat L, Kubiszewski I, Fioramonti L, Sutton P, Farber S, Grasso M 2017. Twenty years of ecosystem services: How far have we come and how far do we still need to go?. Ecosystem Services 28 (A) 1-16
Sullivan S 2017. On 'Natural Capital', 'Fairy Tales' and Ideology. Development and Change (48) 397-423
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Natural capital and fairytales_Sullivan2017 Devt and Change .pdf 527.92 KB
Lindsay K, Chase M, Landen K, Nowak K 2017. The shared nature of Africa's elephants. Biological Conservation (215) 260-267
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The shared nature of Africas elephants.pdf 702.18 KB
Lindsey PA, Petracca LS, Funston PJ, Bauer H, Dickman A, Everatt K, Flyman M, Henschel P, Hinks AE, Kasiki S, Loveridge A, MacDonald DW, Mandisodza R, Mgoola W, Miller SM, Nazerali S, Siege L, Uiseb K, Hunter LTB 2017. The performance of African protected areas for lions and their prey. Biological Conservation (209) 137-149
Heffelfinger JR 2017. Inefficiency of evolutionarily relevant selection in ungulate trophy hunting. The Journal of Wildlife Management (82) 57–66
Rogan MS, Lindsey PA, Tambling CJ, Golabek KA, Chase MJ, Collins K, McNutt JW 2017. Illegal bushmeat hunters compete with predators and threaten wild herbivore populations in a global tourism hotspot. Biological Conservation (210) 233-242
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2017. An international journal of forestry and forest industries. 68 (2017/1)
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Unasylva Sustainable Wildlife Management.pdf 6.64 MB
Barichievy C, Munro L, Clinning G, Whittington-Jones B, Masterson G 2017. Do armed field-rangers deter rhino poachers? An empirical analysis. Biological Conservation (209) 554-560
Saayman M, Saayman A 2017. Is the rhino worth saving?. A sustainable tourism perspective. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (25) 251-264
Tervo-Kankare K, Saarinen J, Kimaro ME, Moswete NN 2017. Nature-based tourism operators' responses to changing environment and climate in Uis, Namibia.. African Geographical Review (DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2017.1286246)
Goncalves FMP, Revermann R, Gomes AL, Aidar MPM, Finckh M, Jürgens N 2017. Tree Species Diversity and Composition of Miombo Woodlands in South-Central Angola: A Chronosequence of Forest Recovery after Shifting Cultivation. International Journal of Forestry Research (2017)
Kirchhof S, Hetem RS, Lease HM, Miles D, Mitchell D, Müller J, Rödel M-O, Sinervo B, Wassenaar TD, Murray IW 2017. Thermoregulatory behavior and high thermal preference buffer impact of climate change in a Namib Desert lizard. Ecosphere (8)
Hinchliffe G, Bollard-Breen B, Cowan D, Doshi A, Gillman LN, Maggs-Kölling G, de los Ríos A, Pointing SB 2017. Advanced Photogrammetry to Assess Lichen Colonization in the Hyper-Arid Namib Desert. Frontiers in Microbiology (8)
von Holdt J, Eckardt F, Wiggs GFS 2017. Landsat identifies aeolian dust emission dynamics at the landform scale. Remote Sensing of Environment (198) 229-243

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