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Gröngröft A, Classen N, Petersen A 2005. Identification of soil patterns with LANDSAT data in the central Namibian savanna region. Mitteilung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 107 (1) 323-324
Barnard P, Thuiller W, Midgley G 2005. Invasive species under global change – signs from a homogenized world. GISP Newsletter 2005 8-11
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Invasive_species_under_global_change_sign.pdf 324.48 KB
Marker LL, Dickman AJ 2005. Notes on the spatial ecology of caracals (Felis caracal), with particular reference to Namibian farms. African Journal of Ecology 43 73-76
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Notes on the spatial ecology of caracals.pdf 467.06 KB
Marker LL, Dickman AJ 2005. Factors affecting leopard (Panthera pardus) spatial ecology, with particular referecne to Namibian farmlands. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 35 (2) 105-115
2005. Raptors Namibia Action Plan - Raptors under pressure. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 54-55
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Raptors Namibia Action Plan_Raptors under pressure.pdf 218.46 KB
Joubert DF 2005. Raptor road counts with students at Polytechnic of Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 46-49
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Raptor road counts with students at Polytechnic of Namibia.pdf 228.15 KB
Braine S 2005. The need for resurrecting raptor road counts. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 45-46
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The need for resurrecting raptor road counts.pdf 219.49 KB
Robertson T, Jarvis A 2005. Raptors and the Namibian avifaunal database. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 36-45
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Raptors and the Namibian avifaunal database.pdf 363.71 KB
Komen L 2005. Raptor awareness and poison-use, a perspective from NARREC. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 29-35
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Raptor awareness and poison_use_a perspective from NARREC.pdf 457.36 KB
Hengari GM, Cunningham PL, Adank W 2005. The use of vultures by traditional healers in Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 22-29
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The use of vultures by traditional healers in Namibia.pdf 438.23 KB
Owen-Smith G 2005. Raptor issues within conservancies. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 21
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Raptor issues within conservancies.pdf 191.53 KB
Mendelsohn J, Brown C, Mendelsohn M, Diekmann M 2005. Observations on the movement of adult Cape Vultures in central Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 16-20
Bridgeford P, Bridgeford M, Dürr M 2005. Monitoring and ringing Lappet-faced Vultures in the Namib 1991-2004. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 9-12
Bridgeford P, Heinrich D 2005. White-backed vulture ringing on commercial farms. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 13-15
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White_backed vulture ringing on commercial farms.pdf 238.58 KB
Osborne T, Wink M 2005. Taxonomy of African raptors with emphasis on Namibian species. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 7-9
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Taxonomy of African raptors with emphasis on Namibian species.pdf 270.66 KB
Bridgeford P, Bridgeford M 2005. Status of vultures in Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (3-4) 1-7
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Status of vultures in Namibia.pdf 354.07 KB
Sivhute V, Cunningham PL, Adank W, Alberts A 2005. Wattled Crane Grus carunculata numbers, habitat use and diet in Bushmanland. Lanioturdus 38 (2) 13-19
Boorman M 2005. First record of Lesser Crested Tern for Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (2) 10-12
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First record of Lesser Crested Tern for Namibia.pdf 225.68 KB
Boix-Hinzen C, Fulton I, Anderson J, Aspinal T 2005. Thick-billed Cuckoo at Shakawa Fishing Lodge, Botswana. Lanioturdus 38 (2) 8-10
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Thick_billed Cuckoo at Shakawa Fishing Lodge_Botswana.pdf 241.5 KB
Steyn P, Martin R 2005. Booted Eagle enigmas. Lanioturdus 38 (2) 3-4
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Booted Eagle enigmas_2005.pdf 221.51 KB
Tree AJ 2005. Black Skimmer at Walvis Bay. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 17-20
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Black Skimmer at Walvis Bay_2005.pdf 312.94 KB
Cunningham P 2005. African Green Pigeon distribution. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 16
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African Green Pigeon distribution_2005.pdf 142.19 KB
Kolberg H 2005. Summary of the 2003 ringing year in Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 11-15
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Summary of the 2003 ringing year in Namibia.pdf 315.77 KB
Swanepoel W 2005. Cape Eagle Owl near Kunene River. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 3-4
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Cape Eagle Owl near Kunene River.pdf 300.86 KB
Cunningham P 2005. African Palm Swift distribution. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 2
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African Palm Swift distribution_2005.pdf 137.68 KB
Shemeikka R, Notkola V, Siiskonen H 2005. Fertility decline in North-Central Namibia: an assessment of fertility in the period 1960-2000 based on parish registers. Demographic Research 13 (4) 83-116
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Fertility decline in North-Central Namibia.pdf 836.88 KB
Underhill LG, Crawford RJM 2005. Indexing the health of the environment for breeding seabirds in the Benguela ecosystem. ICES Journal of Marine Science 62 360e365
Wolski P, Murray-Hudson M, Fernkvist P, Liden A, Huntsman-Mapila P, Ramberg L 2005. Islands in the Okavango Delta as sinks of water-borne nutrients. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 253-263
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Islands in the Okavango Delta as sinks of water_borne nutrients.pdf 1.52 MB
Vanderpost C, Ringrose S, Seely M 2005. Preliminary land-use and land-cover mapping in the upper Okavango Basin and implications for the Okavango Delta. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 236-252
Mosepele K, Mosepele B, Williams L 2005. Preliminary assessment of the feeding ecology of Silver Catfish (Schilbe intermedius, Ruppel, 1832) in a seasonal floodplain of the Okavango Delta. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 207-217
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Preliminary assessment of the feeding ecology of Silver Catfish.pdf 919.21 KB
Krüger O 2005. The evolution of reversed sexual size dimorphism in hawks, falcons and owls: a comparative study. Evolutionary Ecology 19 467-486
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Kruger Reversed Sexual Dimorphism 2005.pdf 273.13 KB
Brown CJ 2005. High density of dusky sunbirds in ephemeral rivercourse in the Namib. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 4-6
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High density of Dusky Sunbirds_2005.pdf 216.34 KB
Gumbricht T, McCarthy TS, Bauer P 2005. The micro-topography of the wetlands of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 30 27-39
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The micro_topography of the wetlands of the Okavango Delta.pdf 927.95 KB
Heine K 2005. Holocene climate of Namibia: A review based on Geoarchives. African Study Monographs 30 119-133
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Holocene climate of Namibia_ A review based on Geoarchives.pdf 254.73 KB

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