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Williams AJ 1987. Namutoni, December 1986. Lanioturdus 23 (3-4) 85-86
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Namutoni 1986.pdf 245.1 KB
Arnold EM 1987. Vogelbeobachtungen. Lanioturdus 23 (3-4) 91-92
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Vogelbeobachtungen_1987.pdf 209.67 KB
Krieg A 1987. Kleine Beobachtungen an verschiedenen Vögeln. Lanioturdus 23 (3-4) 87-88
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Kleine beobachtungen an verschieden Voegeln_1987.pdf 340.96 KB
Colahan BD 1987. The birds around the Rössing Uranium Mine, central Namib Desert, a preliminary list. Lanioturdus 23 (3/4) 61 - 74
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The birds around Roessing_1987.pdf 552.12 KB
Paxton M 1987. Swallowtailed bee-eaters foraging in accociation with Helmeted guineafowl. Lanioturdus 23 (3/4) 84
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Swallowtailed bee_eaters_1987.pdf 150.17 KB
Williams AJ 1987. Historical records of birds along the Namib Coast. Lanioturdus 23 (3/4) 75-79
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Historical records of birds along the Namib coast_1987.pdf 337.49 KB
Williams AJ 1987. Pelagic seabirds inshore off the southern Namib Coast November 1985-August 1986. Lanioturdus 23 (3/4) 51-56
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Pelagic seabirds_1987.pdf 388.57 KB
Williams T 1987. Walvis-Bay bird count. Lanioturdus 23 (1) 16-19
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Walvis_Bay bird count_1987.pdf 193.83 KB
Mannheimer C 1987. Fair warning. Lanioturdus 23 (1) 10-11
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Black_tailed godwitt_1987.pdf 154.54 KB
Giess W 1987. Bemerkung zu den Rotbraunen Webern in Windhoek. Lanioturdus 23 (1) 10
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Bemerkung zu den Rotbraunen webern in Windhoek_1987.pdf 154.54 KB
Mallet-Veale S 1987. The feeding pattern of some birds in a Suiderhof garden. Lanioturdus 23 (1) 9
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Feeding patterns of some birds in Suiderhof_Garden_1987.pdf 135.37 KB
Williams AJ 1987. Coastal bird counts along the Namib coast, Cape Cross to Lüderitz, November and December 1985. Lanioturdus 23 (1) 3-8
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Coastal bird counts_1987.pdf 385.44 KB
MacDonald AR, Gildenhuys SD 1987. Partial albinism in a Redeyed bulbul. Lanioturdus 22 (4) 85-86
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Partial albinism in a red eyed bullbull_1987.pdf 297.47 KB
van de Reep J, van de Reep S 1987. Notes from an Etosha diary. Lanioturdus 22 (4) 82
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Notes from an Etosha Diary_1987.pdf 181.31 KB
Dedekind H 1987. Bird Club Outing: Waterberg Plateau Park 20-22 March 1987. Lanioturdus 23 (2) 46-47
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Bird Club Outing Waterberg Plateau Park 20_22 March 1987.pdf 153.35 KB
Dedekind H 1987. Whitetailed shrike reacts to imitated call of Pearlspotted owl. Lanioturdus 23 (2) 45
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White_tailed Shrike_1987.pdf 145.8 KB
Arnold EM 1987. Beobachtung eines Graufischers Ceryle rudis. Lanioturdus 23 (2) 44
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Beobachtung eines Graufischers_1987.pdf 145.8 KB
Shaughnessy PD, Shaughnessy GL 1987. Birds at Wolf and van Reenen Bays, Diamond Coast, SWA/Namibia. Lanioturdus 23 (2) 27-43
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Birds_Diamond coast_1987 Lanioturdus.pdf 711.22 KB
Braine SG, Loutit R 1987. Hartlaub's Gulls breeding at Swakopmund and Walvis Bay in 1983 and 1984. Lanioturdus 23 (3/4) 80 - 83
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Hartlaubs gulls breeding at Swakop_and Walvis_1987.pdf 227.09 KB
Komen J, Komen E 1987. Ekongoro - a veritable birding paradise. Lanioturdus 22 84 - 85
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Ekongoro bird paradise 1987.pdf 196.55 KB
Komen J 1987. New wintering records for the Sooty Falcon in southwestern Africa. Madoqua 15 (1) 83 - 86
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Komen_1987_Madoqua_15_1_Sooty_Falcon.pdf 416.54 KB
Heine K 1987. Zum alter Jungquatärer spiegelschwankungen in der mitteleren Kalahari, südliches Afrika. Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands 18 73-101
Preussinger H, Maiden K, Okrusch M 1987. Contrasting styles of sedimentation in metasediments of the Kuiseb formation near Gorob, SWA/Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia 3 111-115
Gibbs Russell GE, Reid C, Fish L, Germishuizen G, van Wyk M, van Rooy J 1987. New taxa, new records and name changes for southern African plants. Bothalia 17 (2) 269-275
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New taxa_new records and name changes for southern African plants.pdf 728.44 KB
Brown CJ, Jenkins AR 1987. Hybridization between a Hartmann's mountain zebra and donkey. Lanioturdus 15 (2) 193-194
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Hybridization between a Hartmanns mountain zebra and donkey_1987.pdf 400.93 KB
Teller JT, Lancaster N 1987. Description of late Cenozoic sediments at Narabeb, Central Namib Desert. Madoqua 15 (2) 163-167
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Description of late Cenozoic sediments at Narabeb.pdf 1.58 MB
Platnick NI, Murphy JA 1987. Studies on Malagasy spiders. 3, The zelotine Gnaphosidae (Araneae, Gnaphosoidea), with a review of the genus Camillina. American Museum Novitates 2874
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Studies on Malagasy spiders.pdf 5.3 MB
Brandt R 1987. A revised stratigraphy for the Abbabis Complex in the Abbabis Inlier, Namibia. South Africa Journal of Geology 90 (3) 314-323
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops dinteri. Madoqua 1 10-11
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Lithops dinteri.pdf 244.51 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops eberlanzii. Madoqua 1 11-12
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Lithops eberlanzii.pdf 243.7 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops optica. Madoqua 1 34-35
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Lithops optica.pdf 205.04 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops karasmontana. Madoqua 1 33
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Lithops karasmontana.pdf 310.04 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops julli. Madoqua 1 16
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Lithops julli.pdf 102.12 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops bella. Madoqua 1 10
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Lithops bella.pdf 102.71 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops werneri. Madoqua 1 42
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Lithops werneri.pdf 91.85 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops vallis-mariae. Madoqua 1 41-42
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Lithops vallis-mariae.pdf 194.24 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops schwantesii. Madoqua 1 39-41
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Lithops schwantesii.pdf 303.06 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops ruschiorum. Madoqua 1 38-39
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Lithops ruschiorum.pdf 201.05 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops herre. Madoqua 1 15-16
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Lithops herrei.pdf 198.86 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops gracilidelineata. Madoqua 1 14-15
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Lithops gracilidelineata.pdf 200.44 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops gesineae. Madoqua 1 13-14
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Lithops gesineae.pdf 194.82 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Lithops fulviceps. Madoqua 1 13
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Lithops fulviceps.pdf 96.54 KB
Cole DT 1987. Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Plates of Lithops of SWA/Namibia. Madoqua 1 17-23
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Lithops of SWA_Namibia.pdf 2.73 MB
Dedekind H 1987. Whitetailed shrike nesting in the Naukluft Park. Lanioturdus 22 (4) 82 - 83
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White_tailed Shrike nesting in the Naukluft Park_1987.pdf 181.31 KB
Davidson IA 1987. New species of the subgenus Sergentomyla (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) from southern Africa. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa 50 (2) 331-342
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New species of the subgenus Sergentomyla.pdf 448.87 KB
McLachlan GR 1987. A first record for Prosymna visseri in southern Africa. Madoqua 15 (1) 89-90
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A first record for Prosymna visseri in southern Africa_1987.pdf 241.65 KB

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