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Haughton SH 1946. Geology of Richtersveld and Eastern Sperrgebiet - discussion. South Africa Journal of Geology 49 273-276
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Sönge PG, de Villiers J 1946. Resume of the Geology of the Richtersveld and the Eastern Sperrgebiet. South Africa Journal of Geology 49 263-272
Roberts A 1946. Nest and eggs of White-tailed Shrike. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 17 (4) 364 - 365
Plowes DCH 1946. Data on birds eggs in my collection: Part II. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 17 (2) 111 - 121
Louw GN 1946. On safari to Etosha Pan. 1946 619 - 620
Hahn SH 1946. Heronry at Ondangwa, SWA. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 17 (4) 360 - 364

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