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Displaying results 1 - 11 of 11Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Grant CHB, Mackworth-Praed CW 1937. Notes on type localities. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 58
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Bulletin of BRitish Ornithologists Volume 58.pdf 10.6 MB
Bremekamp CEB 1937. Amaryllideen-Studien I und II. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 55 (8) 401-418
Hoesch W 1937. Brut- und Mauserbeobachtungen an verschiedenen Lophoceros-Arten. Ornitologische Monatsberichte 45 106 - 114
Stresemann E 1937. Bradornis pallidus aequemontanus subsp. Nova. Ornitologische Monatsberichte 45 148
Stresemann E 1937. Francolinus coqui hoeschianus subsp. Nova. Ornitologische Monatsberichte 45 148
Hoesch W 1937. Über das 'Honiganzeigen' von Indicator. Journal für Ornitologie 85 201 - 205
Gevers TW, van der Westhuyzen JP 1937. Variation in composition of sub-surface water in the Swakop River, South-West Africa. South African Journal of Science 33 231-241
Parry AC 1937. The history of land survey in South West Africa. South African Journal of Science XXXIV 18-28
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The history of land survey in South West Africa.pdf 455.49 KB
Gevers TW 1937. The Etjo beds of Northern Hereroland, South-West Africa. South Africa Journal of Geology 40 (01) 317-329
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The Etjo beds of Northern Hereroland.pdf 1011.35 KB

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