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Displaying results 1 - 12 of 12Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Friedmann H 1932. Two birds new to science from Great Namaqualand. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 45 65 - 66
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Friedmann_1932_Proc_Biol_Soc_Wash_54_new_birds.pdf 669.02 KB
Range P 1932. Die Flora des Namalandes. I. Feddes Repertorium 30 (9-16) 129-158
Roberts A 1932. Some results of the Kalahari expedition. 5 36 - 38
Hoesch W 1932. Von Grauer Lärmvogel. 6 115 - 120
de Schauensee RM 1932. A collection of birds from southwestern Africa. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences 84 145 - 202
Gevers TW 1932. Kaoko-eruptives and alkali-rocks at Cape Cross, S. W. Africa. South African Journal of Geology 35 (Transactions 1932) 85-96
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Kaoko_eruptives and alkali_rocks at Cape Cross.pdf 723.69 KB

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