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Displaying results 1 - 8 of 8Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Friedmann H 1930. The Sociable Weaver of South Africa. Natural History 30 205 - 212
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The Sociable Weaver of South Africa.pdf 7.4 MB
de Schauensee RM 1930. A New Species of Bustard from South Africa. Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 82 427-428
Watson AC 1930. The Guano Islands of Southwestern Africa. Geographical Review 20 (4) 631 - 641
Lynes H 1930. Review of the Genus Cisticola. Ibis 6 (Supplementary Number: i - vii) 1 - 673
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Review of the genus Cisticola.pdf 35.51 MB

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