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Hopwood AT, Lang H 1929. New and little-known mammals from the Miocene of Africa. American Museum Novitates 334
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New and little_known mammals from the Miocene of Africa.pdf 775.98 KB
Roberts A 1929. New forms of African birds. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 13 (2) 71-81
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New forms of African birds_1929.pdf 728.21 KB
Marloth R 1929. Remarks on the realm of the Cape flora. South African Journal of Science XXVI 154-159
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Remarks on the realm of the Cape flora.pdf 277.33 KB
Sigwart H 1929. Lamsiekte of sheep in South West Africa. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 1 (3) 25-29
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Lamsiekte of sheep in South West Africa.pdf 490.67 KB
Gevers TW, Frommurze HF 1929. The tin-bearing pegmatites of the Erongo area, South-West Africa. South Africa Journal of Geology 32 (1) 111-149
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The tin_bearing pegmatites of the Erongo area.pdf 2.8 MB
Gevers TW 1929. A hydrothermal deposit of cassiterite near Arandis South-West Africa. South African Journal of Geology 32 (Transactions 1929) 165-170

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