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Displaying results 1 - 6 of 6Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Roberts A 1926. Descriptions of some S. African birds' eggs. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 11 (4) 226-244
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Descriptions of some S_African birds eggs_1926.pdf 1016.16 KB
Drake-Brockman RE 1926. XXVII. - A new subspecies of dik-dik (Madoqua). Journal of Natural History, Series 9 18 (104) 212-214
Gyldenstolpe N 1926. Types of Birds in the Royal Natural History Museum in Stockholm. Arkiv för Zoologi 19 (1) 1-116
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Gyldenstolpe_1926_Arkiv_Zoologi_19_bird_types.pdf 6.14 MB
1926. The waters of the desert. Agricultural Journal of South Africa 17 (1) 677-681
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The waters of the desert.pdf 166.97 KB

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