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Reyers B, van Wilgen BW, Nel JL 2008. Making the most of South Africa's natural capital. Science 2008 12
van Wilgen BW, Andreae MO, Goldammer JG, Lindesay JA 1997. Fire in southern African savannas: ecological and atmospheric perspectives.
Shackleton RT, le Maitre DC, van Wilgen BW, Richardson DM 2015. The impact of invasive alien Prosopis species (mesquite) on native plants in different environments in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany (97) 25-31
Nieman WA, van Wilgen BW, Radloff FGT, Leslie AJ 2021. A review of the responses of medium- to large- sized African mammals to fire.   African Journal of Range and Forage Science
Richardson DM, van Wilgen BW 2004. Invasive alien plants in South Africa: how well do we understand the ecological impacts?. South African Journal of Science 100 45-52
van Wilgen BW 2020. Updated account of Angola's remarkable biodiversity. South African Journal of Science 116 (1-2) 6
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Updated account of Angolas remarkable biodiversity.pdf 216.72 KB
Archibald S, Roy DP, van Wilgen BW, Scholes RJ 2008. What limits fire? An examination of drivers of burnt area in Southern Africa.
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Fire in southern Africa Archibald_etal_GCB_preprint.pdf 640.54 KB

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