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Wessels DCJ 1989. Lichens of the Namib Desert, South West Africa/Namibia. I. The chasmoendolithic habitat. Dinteria 20 3-22
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Dinteria_20_1989_1.pdf 2.61 MB
Sérusiaux E, Wessels DCJ 1984. Santessonia (Lecanorales, Buelliaceae) in the Namib desert (South West Africa). Mycotaxon (19) 479-502
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Santessonia the Namib desert.pdf 15.14 MB
Wessels DCJ Lichens of the Namib Desert, South West Africa/Namibia. Dinteria 20 (3-22) 1989
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Dinteria 20_1989_1.pdf 2.61 MB
Makhado RA, Potgieter MJ, Wessels DCJ 2009. Colophospermum mopane Wood utilisation in the Northeast of the Limpopo Province, South Africa. Ethnobotanical Leaflets 13 921 - 945

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