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Stringer LC, Dyer JC, Reed MS, Dougill AJ, Twyman C, Mkwambisi D 2009. Adaptations to climate change, drought and desertification: local insights to enhance policy in southern Africa. Environment: Science and Policy 12 (7) 748-765
Twyman C, Dougill AJ, Sporton D, Thomas DSG 2001. A case of community self empowerment, Okonyoka, Eastern Namibia: environmental and policy implications. Review of African Political Economy 28 (87) 9-26
Twyman C, Dougill A, Sporton D, Thomas D 2001. Community Fencing in Open Rangelands: Self-Empowerment in Eastern Namibia. Review of African Political Economy 28 (87) 9-26
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Community Fencing in Open Rangelands.pdf 2.78 MB
Thomas DSG, Twyman C 2005. Equity and justice in climate change adaptation amongst natural-resource-dependent societies. Global Environmental Change 15 115-124
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Equity and Justice in CC Adaptation_2005.pdf 252.35 KB
Thomas DSG, Twyman C 2004. Good or bad rangeland? hybrid knowledge, science, and local understandings of vegetation dynamics in the Kalahari. Land Degradation and Development 15 215-231
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Good or bad rangelenad_Thomas_Twyman_2004.pdf 422.06 KB

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