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Ritter O, Weckmann U, Vietor T, Haak V 2003. A magnetotelluric study of the Damara Belt in Namibia: 1. Regional scale conductivity anomalies. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 138 (2) 71-90
Jegen M, Avdeeva A, Berndt C, Franz G, Heincke B, Hölz S, Neska A, Marti A, Planert L, Chen J, Kopp H, Baba K, Ritter O, Weckmann U, Meqbel N, Behrmann J 2016. 3-D magnetotelluric image of offshore magmatism at the Walvis Ridge and rift basin. Tectonophysics 683 98-108

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