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Knapp SE, Krecek RC, Horak IG, Penzhorn BL 1997. Helminths and arthropods of black and white rhinoceroses in southern Africa. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 33 (3) 492-205
Penzhorn BL 1988. Equus zebra. Mammalian Species 314 1-7
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Mammalian Species_Equus zebra.pdf 913.3 KB
Krecek RC, Boomker J, Penzhorn BL, Scheepers L 1990. Internal Parasites of Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis) from Etosha National Park, Namibia. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 26 (3) 395-397
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Internal Parasites of Giraffes from Etosha National Park.pdf 498.09 KB

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