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Miller RMcG, Seely MK 1976. Fluvio-marine deposits south-east of Swakopmund, South West Africa. Madoqua 9 (3) 23-28
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Fluvio_marine deposits south east of Swakopmund.pdf 409.91 KB
Miller RMcG 2014. Evidence for the evolution of the Kalahari dunes from the Auob River, southeastern Namibia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 69 (3) 195-204
Miller RMcG 1969. The Auborus Formation of the Bethanie district, South West Africa. University of Cape Town
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The Auborus Formation of the Bethanie district_1969.pdf 10 MB
Miller RMcG 2000. The Agate Mountain Carbonatite Complex, Cape Fria, NW Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 12 369-382
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The Agate Mountain Carbonatite Complex_Cape Fria_NW Namibia.pdf 1.31 MB
Miller RMcG, Carr R, van der Merwe B, Symons G, Murray R, Amputu M 2018. Some geological and geophysical aspects of the 2016/2017 drilling campaign in the Windhoek aquifer. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 19 8-19
Miller RMcG, Lohe C, Hasiotis ST, Quinger M, Muyamba R, Joseph R, Nguno A 2016. The Kalahari Group in the 400-m deep core borehole WW 203302, Northern Owambo Basin. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 17 143-238
Erlank AJ, le Roex AP, Harris C, Miller RMcG, McLachlan I 1990. Preliminary note on the geochemistry of basalt samples from the Kudu boreholes. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 6 63-65
Miller RMcG 1979. The Okahandja Lineament, a fundamental tectonic boundary in the Damara Orogen of South West Africa/Namibia. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa 82 (1979) 349-361
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The Okahandja Lineament.pdf 3.71 MB

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