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Jeltsch F, Blaum N, Classen N, Eschenbach A, Grohmann C, Gröngröft A, Joubert DF, Horn A, Lohmann D, Linsenmair KE, Lück-Vogel M, Medinski TV, Meyfarth S, Mills A, Petersen A, Popp A, Poschlod P, Reisch C, Rossmanith E, Rubilar H, Wesuls D, Wichmann M, Wieczorek M, Zimmermann I 2010. Impacts of landuse and climate change on the dynamics and biodiversity in the Thornbush Savanna Biome. Biodiversity in southern Africa Hoffman MT, Schmiedel U, Jürgens N 3 33-74
Henschel JR, Grohmann C, Siteketa V, Linsenmair KE 2010. Monitoring tenebrionid beetle biodiversity in Namibia. African Study Monographs 40 91-102
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