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Amoroso R.O., Pitcher CR, Rijnsdorp AD, McConnaughey RA, Parma AM, Suuronen P, Eigaard OR, Bastardie F, Hintzen NT, Althaus F, Baird SJ, Black J, Buhl-Mortensen L, Campbell AB, Catarino R, Collie J, Cowan JH, Durholtz D, Engstrom N, Fairweather TP, Fock HO, Ford R, Gálvez PA, Gerritsen H, Góngora ME, González JA, Hiddink JG, Hughes KM, Intelmann SS, Jenkins C, Jonsson P, Kainge P, Kangas M, Kathena JN, Kavadas S, Leslie RW, Lewis SG, Lundy M, Makin D, Martin J, Mazor T, Gonzalez-Mirelis G, Newman SJ, Papadopoulou N, Posen PE, Rochester W, Russo T, Sala A, Semmens JM, Silva C, Tsolos A, Vanelslander B, Wakefield CB, Wood BA, Hilborn R, Kaiser MJ, Jennings S 2018. Bottom trawl fishing footprints on the world's continental shelves. PNAS (115) E10275-E10282
Wilhelm MR, Kirchner CH, Roux J-P, Jarre A, Iitembu JA, Kathena JN, Kainge P 2015. Biology and fisheries of the shallow-water hake (Merluccius capensis) and the deep-water hake (M. paradoxus) in Namibia. Hakes: biology and exploitation 70-100
Kainge P, Kirkman SP, Estevao V, Van der Lingen CD, Uanivi U, Kathena JN, Van der Plas A, Githaiga-Mwicigi J, Makhado A, Nghimwatya L, Endjambi T, Paulus S, Kalola M, Antonio M, Tjizoo B, Shikongo T, Nsiangango S, Uahengo T, Bartholomae C, Mqoqi M, Hamukuaya H 2020. Fisheries yields, climate change, and ecosystem-based management of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Environmental Development

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