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Jacobson K 1994. The ephemeral rivers of the Namib. Namib Bulletin 11 7-9
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The ephemeral rivers of the Namib.pdf 1.59 MB
Jacobson K 1994. Fungi in the desert. Namib Bulletin 11 9-12
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Fungi in the desert.pdf 1.21 MB
Jacobson K, van Diepeningen A, Evans S, Fritts R, Gemmel P, Marsho C, Seely M, Wenndt A, Yang X, Jacobson P 2015. Non-Rainfall Moisture Activates Fungal Decomposition of Surface Litter in the Namib Sand Sea. Plos ONE 10 (5) e0126977
Jacobson N, Jacobson P, van Jaarsveld E, Jacobson K 2014. Field evidence from Namibia does not support the designation of Angolan and Namibian subspecies of Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa Published online: 28 Aug 2014
Jacobson K, Cutchins D, Seely M, Seiz J, Willis E, Jacobson P 2014. Supporting a teaching and learning community across borders: Grinnell College at Gobabeb. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa Published online: 31 Jul 2014
Andre HM, Noti MI, Jacobson K 1998. The soil microarthropods of the Namib desert: A patchy mosaic. Journal of African Zoology 111 (6) 499-517
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The soil microarthropods of the Namib desert.pdf 7.88 MB
Jürgens N, Burke A, Seely MK, Jacobson K 1997. Desert. Desert 189-214
Jacobson K 1996. Macrofungal ecology in the Namib desert: a fruitful or futile study?. McIlvainea (12) 21-32
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Macrofungal ecology in the Namib desert.pdf 2.48 MB

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