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Displaying results 1 - 7 of 7Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Friede G, Friede G 1993. Birds of the Swakop River Lagoon (Follow-up report 1992/1993). Lanioturdus 27 7-9
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Birds of the Swakop River Lagoon_1993.pdf 220.63 KB
Friede G 1995. Werbung eines Fahlregenpfeifers. Lanioturdus 28 44-45
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Werbung eines Fahlregenpfeifers_1995.pdf 143.61 KB
Friede G 1995. Die Weißstirnregenpfeifer. Lanioturdus 28 39-41
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White_fronted Plover_1995.pdf 239.15 KB
Friede G 1995. Vögel in und um Namutoni. Lanioturdus 28 16-22
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Voegel in und um Namutoni.pdf 474.05 KB
Friede G 1996. Courtship and mating of Chestnutbanded Sandplovers. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 49
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Courtship and mating of Chestnutbanded Sandplovers.pdf 158.39 KB
Friede G 1996. "Preen me": Allopreening in Burntnecked Eremomelas. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 33
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Allopreening in Burntnecked Eremomelas.pdf 0 bytes
Friede G 1997. Bird parties. Lanioturdus 30 (1) 12-14
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Bird parties_1997.pdf 240.27 KB

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