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Displaying results 1 - 4 of 4Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Fisch M 1984. Die Kavangofischer. Namibian 5 106 - 169
Fisch M 1985. Ursprung und bedeutung des namens Okavango. Journal of the South West African Scientific Society 1985 - 86 - 1986 - 87
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Fisch2.pdf 10.55 MB
Fisch M 1999. History of the female chiefs of the Shambyu tribe (Kavangoland). Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 47 109-120
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History_of_the_female_chiefs_of_the_Shambyu_Fisch.pdf 1.34 MB
Fisch M 1985. Ursprung und Bedeutung des Namens Okavango. SWA Scientific Society Journal XL/XLI (1985/86, 1986/87)
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Ursprung_und_Bedeutung_des_Namens_Okavango_by_Maria_Fisch.pdf 2.49 MB

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