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Dempster ER, Perrin MR, Downs CT 1999. Gerbillurus vallinus. Mammalian Species 605 1-4
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Gerbillurus vallinus.pdf 468.3 KB
Dempster ER, Perrin MR 1991. Neonatal development of Gerbillurus vallinus and G. setzeri. Madoqua 18 (1) 51-53
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Neonatal development of Gerbillurus vallinus.pdf 1.31 MB
Dempster ER, Perrin MR, Downs CT, Griffin M 1998. Gerbillurus setzeri. 1-4
Perrin MR, Dempster ER, Downs CT, Boyer DC 1999. Gerbillurus tytonis. Mammalian Species 607 1-4
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Gerbillurus tytonis_1999.pdf 482.64 KB

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