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Hitchcock RK, Biesele M, Daggett AM Refugees, Resettlement, and Development in Namibia (revised and resubmitted). African Study Monographs
Biesele M, Weinberg P 1990. Shaken roots, the bushmen of Namibia.
Lee RB, Biesele M, Hitchcock RK 1996. Three decades of Ethnographic Research among the Ju/'Hoansi of northwestern Botswana: 1963-1996. Botswana Notes and Records 28 107-120
Liebenberg L, //Ao /A, Lombard M, Shermer M, Xhukwe /U, Biesele M, //XAO D, Carruthers P, Kxao ≠O, Hansson SO, Langwane HK, Elbroch LM, /Ui N, Keeping D, Humphrey G, Newman G, G/ aq’o /U, Steventon J, Kashe N, Stevenson R, Benadie K, du Plessis P, Minye J, Kxunta /U, Ludwig B, Daqm ≠O, Louw M, Debe D, Voysey M 2021. Tracking Science: An alternative for those excluded by Citizen Science. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 6 (1) 1–16
Biesele M 2018. People of the Eland/People of ELAN: The Ju/’hoan Transcription Group and Ju/’hoan Mother-Tongue Literacy. Research and Activism among the Kalahari San Today: Ideals, Challenges, and Debates Fleming Puckett R, Ikeya k 99 51-63
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