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Lindsey PA, Nyirenda VR, Barnes JI, Becker MS, McRobb R, Tambling CJ, Taylor WA, Watson FG, t’Sas-Rolfes M 2014. Underperformance of African Protected Area Networks and the Case for New Conservation Models: Insights from Zambia. PLoS ONE 9 (5) e94109
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Lindsey_Underperformance_2014.pdf 908.87 KB
Miller JRN, Balme G, Lindsey PA, Loveridge AJ, Becker MS, Begg C, Brink H, Dolrenry S, Hunt JE, Jansson I, MacDonald DW, Mandisodza-Chikerema RL, Cotterill AO, Packer C, Rosengren D, Stratford K, Trinkel M, White PA, Winterbach C, Winterbach HEK, Funston PJ 2016. Aging traits and sustainable trophy hunting of African lions. Biological Conservation (201) 160-168
Paijmans JLA, Barlow A, Becker MS, Bhak J, Manica A 2021. African and Asian leopards are highly differentiated at the genomic level. Current Biology 31 (9) 1872-1882
Durant SM, Mitchell N, Groom R, Pettorelli N, Ipavec A, Jacobson AP, Woodroffe R, Böhm M, Hunter LTB, Becker MS, Broekhuis F, Bashir S, Andresen L, Aschenborn O, Beddiaf M, Belbachir F, Belbachir-Bazi A, Berbash A, de Matos Machado IB, Breitenmoser C, Chege M, Cilliers D, Davies-Mostert H, Dickman AJ, Ezekiel F, Farhadinia MS 2016. The global decline of cheetah Acinonyx jubatus and what it means for conservation. PNAS 114 (3) 528-533
O'Connor D, Stacy-Dawes J, Muneza A, Fennessy J, Gobush K, Chase MJ, Brown MB, Bracis C, Elkan P, Zaberirou ARM, Rabeil T, Rubenstein D, Becker MS, Phillips S, Stabach JA, Leimgruber P, Glikman JA, Ruppert K, Masiaine S, Mueller T 2019. Updated geographic range maps for giraffe, Giraffa spp., throughout sub-Saharan Africa, and implications of changing distributions for conservation. Mammal Review 49 285-299
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Updated geographic range maps for Giraffe.pdf 535.75 KB

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