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Displaying results 1 - 9 of 9Click/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Dean WRJ, Barnard P, Anderson MD 2009. When to stay, when to go: trade-offs for southern African arid-zone birds in times of drought. South Africa Journal of Science 105 24-28
Gibbons B, Mitchell C, Altwegg R, Anderson MD 2009. Crane ecology. Namibia Crane News 42 2-4
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Crane ecology_2009.pdf 437.07 KB
Bamford AJ, Monadjem A, Anderson MD, Anthony A, Borello WD, Bridgeford M, Bridgeford P, Hancock P, Howells B, Wakelin J, Hardy ICW 2009. Trade-offs between specificity and regional generality in habitat association models: a case study of two species of African vulture. Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (4) 852-860
Anderson MD 2008. A vision in pink - Lesser Flamingo breeding success. (April/May 2008) 43-49
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Lesser Flamingo breeding success.pdf 554.31 KB
Anderson MD, Kolberg H, Anderson PC, Dini J, Abrahams A 2003. Waterbird populations at the Orange River mouth from 1980–2001: a re-assessment of its Ramsar status. Ostrich 74 (3-4) 159-172
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Waterbird populations at the Orange River mouth from 1980_2001.pdf 188.35 KB
Anderson MD, Anderson RA, Anderson SL, Anderson TA, Bader U, Heinrich D, Hofmeyr JH, Kolberg C, Kolberg H, Komen J, Paterson B, Paterson J, Sinclair K, Sinclair W, van Zijl D, van Zijl H 2001. Notes on the birds and other animals recorded at the Cunene River mouth from 6-8 January 2001. Bird Numbers 1 (10) 52-56

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