communal land

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Displaying results 1201 - 1250 of 1704 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Jones BTB 2012. Recognition and Support of ICCAs in Namibia. Recognising and Supporting Territories and Areas Conserved By Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities: Global Overview and National Case Studies
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Recognition and Support of ICCAs in Namibia.pdf 1.59 MB
Paksi A, Pyhälä A 2018. Socio-economic Impacts of a National Park on Local Indigenous Livelihoods: The Case of Bwabwata National Park in Namibia. Research and Activism among the Kalahari San Today: Ideals, Challenges and Debates 197-214
Domptail SE, Dreber N, Falk T, Gibreel T, Kirk M, Limpricht C, Naumann C, Prediger S, Vollan B, Wesuls D 2010. An ecological-economic analysis of the pastoral systems of the Nama Karoo in southern Namibia. Biodiversity in southern Africa. Volume 3: Implications for landuse and management 3 75–107
Siegmund-Schultze M, Lange F, Schneiderat U, Steinbacher J 2012. Performance, management and objectives of cattle farming on communal ranges in Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 80 65–73
Masaire E, Madzingira O, Samkange A, Kandiwa E, Mushonga B, Bishi AS 2018. Characterization of poultry production and management systems in the communal areas of Namibia. African Journal of Poultry Farming 6 (3) 265-276
Siiskonen H 1996. Deforestation in the Owambo Region, north Namibia, since the 1850s. Environment and History 2 (3) 291-308
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Deforestation in the Owambo Region_north Namibia_ since the 1850s.pdf 189.97 KB
Naro EM, Maher SML, Muntifering JR, Eichenwald AJ, Clark SG 2020. Syndicate recruitment, perceptions, and problem solving in Namibian rhinoceros protection. Biological Conservation 243
Lendelvo SM, Pinto M, Sullivan S 2020. A perfect storm? The impact of COVID-19 on community-based conservation in Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 4 (B) 1-15
Constantino PAL, Carlos HSA, Ramalho EE, Rostant L, Marinelli C, Teles D, Fonseca-Junior SF, Fernandes B, Valsecchi J 2012. Empowering Local People through Community-based Resource Monitoring: a Comparison of Brazil and Namibia. Ecology and Society 17 (4) 22
Bandyopadhyay S, Guzman JC, Lendelvo S 2010. Communal conservancies and household welfare in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 82_2010.pdf 2.12 MB
Samuelsson E, Stage J 2006. The size and distribution of the economic impacts of Namibian hunting tourism.
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Research Discussion Paper 74_2006.pdf 853.71 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) Doing business in conservation agriculture - Facilitator Manual.
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Doing business in conservation agriculture.pdf 44.98 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) An introduction to conservation agriculture - Facilitator Manual.
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An introduction to conservation agriculture.pdf 32.21 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) Conservation agriculture and nutrition - Facilitator Manual.
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Conservation agriculture and nutrition.pdf 15.11 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) Principles and Practice of Community-based Natural Resource Management - Facilitator Manual.
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Principles and Practice of CBNRM.pdf 7.18 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) Increasing Benefits for Conservancy Members - Facilitator Manual.
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Increasing Benefits for Conservancy Members.pdf 14.3 MB
Natural Resources Working Group (NRWG), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 2015. Trans-Boundary Natural Resource Management Forums (TBNRM Forums) .
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TBNRM Forums Map 2015.jpg 4.51 MB
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), The World Bank 2014. Getting Financed - 9 Tips For Community Joint Ventures In Tourism.
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Getting Financed_9 Tips For Community Joint Ventures In Tourism.pdf 3.68 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2020. CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) - Voluntary Operational Guidelines for NGOs working with Namibian communities.
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NACSO Covid Operational Guidelines.pdf 208.67 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2018. Conservation Areas - Namibia.
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Protected_Areas_A3.jpg 3.84 MB