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Displaying results 1201 - 1250 of 1254 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
DED/DoF/NFFP Community Forestry, IRDNC/MET CBNRM sub-Division (Conservancies) 2004. Discussion paper for a strategic proposal: Cooperation between conservancies and community forestry in Caprivi Region.
Schneider GIC, Schneider MB Gondwanaland Geopark - A proposed Geopark for Namibia.
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Gondwana Geopark.pdf 1.06 MB
Pringle H, Zimmermann I, Shamathe K 2009. Bush encroachment in the Auas-Oanob Conservancy, Namibia: Mixing local expert knowledge and science to unravel salient factors through the Ecosystem Management Understanding (EMU) Process. Grassroots: Newsletter of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa 9 (1) 14-17
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Bush encroachment in the Auas_Oanob Conservancy _Namibia_2009.pdf 741.65 KB
Brown CJ, Brown BTB Common-property rangelands management in Namibia: the 'conservancy' model in communal areas. Vlth International Rangeland Congress Proceedings 411-413
Robertson A, Jarvis A, Mendelsohn J, Swart R 2012. Namibia's Coast: Figure 52 Conservation areas. Namibia's Coast: Ocean Riches and Desert Treasures
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Figure 52_Conservation 415.71 KB
Etosha National Park - Profile.
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Etosha National Park_Profile.pdf 229.65 KB
Blackie R, Tarr P 1999. Government policies on sustainable development in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 28_1999.pdf 1.44 MB
Naidoo R, Weaver LC, Stuart-Hill G, Tagg J 2011. Effect of biodiversity on economic benefits from communal lands in Namibia. Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (2) 310 - 316
Brown CJ 2009. National Policy on Human-Wildlife Conflict Managent.
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Human Wildlife Policy_2009.pdf 5.11 MB
2009. Tourism and enterprises.
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Tourism and 87.69 KB
2010. Co-managed areas (Complexes).
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Attachment Size 557.92 KB
Complexes.kmz 982.87 KB
2010. Caprivi species distributions.
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Caprivi species distributions.kmz 283.23 KB
2011. Freehold Conservancies.
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Freehold 294.21 KB
2011. Concession Areas.
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Attachment Size 76.71 KB
2019. Community Forests.
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Community Forests Registered 40.02 KB
Community Forests Registered 2019.kmz 28.25 KB
2017. Communal Conservancies (Registered).
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Communal Conservancies 991.25 KB
Strohbach BJ 2017. Vegetation of the Auas-Oanob Conservancy in the Khomas Hochland of Namibia. Appendix 3: Vegetation of the Auas-Oanob Conservancy - Map. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (A)
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Map.pdf 33.54 MB