The act, process or industry of extracting coal, ores, etc. from the earth. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 2051 - 2069 of 2069 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Weatherly Mining Namibia 2017. Tschudi Copper Mine.
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Tschudi Copper Mine.pptx 12.17 MB
Swakop Uranium 2017. Swakop Uranium.
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Swakop Uranium.pptx 12.13 MB
QKR Namibia 2017. Navachab Gold Mine.
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QKR Namibia Navachab Gold Mine.ppt 776.5 KB
IMERYS Graphite and Carbon, Gecko Okorusu Fluorspar 2017. Okanjande Graphite Mine and Okorusu Fluorspar Mine.
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Okanjande Graphite Mine and Okorusu Fluorspar Mine.pptx 30.48 MB
Stasis Waste Solutions Namibia 2017. Namibian National Waste Facility Strategy & Feasibility.
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Namibian National Waste Facility Strategy Feasibility.pptx 21.98 MB
2017. Selection of photos.
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Mining and Environment workshop 2.82 MB
B2Gold Namibia 2017. Environmental Management - Otjikoto Gold Mine.
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Environmental Management Otjikoto Gold Mine_2017.pptx 4.2 MB
Rio Tinto 2017. Environmental Management at Rössing Uranium.
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Environmental Management at Roessing Uranium.pptx 16.53 MB
Namdeb 2017. Environmental Management at Namdeb.
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Environmental Management at Namdeb_2017.ppt 18.32 MB
Chamber of Mines (CoM), Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE), Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET), Directorate of Environmental Affairs (DEA), Industry Experts 2017. Code of Environmental Best Practice for Mining and Minerals Industry Namibia. Draft Contents Page.
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Environmental Best Practice Guide in Mining - Draft Contents List.pdf 283.53 KB
Bannerman Resources 2017. Uranium Exploration and Development.
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Uranium Exploration and Development_2017.pptx 7.9 MB
B2Gold Namibia 2017. Exploration and Environment.
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B2Gold Exploration and Environment_2017.pptx 1.48 MB
Pirajno F, Petzel VFW, Jacob RE 1987. Geology and alteration-mineralization of the Brandberg West Sn-W deposit, Damara orogen, South West Africa/Namibia. South African Journal of Geology 90 (3) 256-269
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Geology and alteration_mineralization of the Brandberg West.pdf 797.97 KB