The act, process or industry of extracting coal, ores, etc. from the earth. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 701 - 750 of 2079 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
2021. APP-002779: Onhokolo Sand Mining.
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2779_Proforma EC_Onhokolo Sand Mining.pdf 6.34 MB
Hasheela I 2018. Contamination mapping and land use categorization for Tsumeb, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 19 1-7
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Contamination mapping and land use categorization for Tsumeb.pdf 1.24 MB
Ellmies R, Haidula A, Iipinge S, Shaningwa O, Kawali L, Ndalulilwa K, Mapani B, Elago P, Mbandeka E, Zauter H 2015. Environmental situation around the Tsumeb Smelter Complex, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 16 1-9
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Environmental situation around the Tsumeb Smelter Complex.pdf 1.29 MB
Mapani B, Ellmies R, Hahn L, Schneider G, Ndalulilwa K, Leonard R, Zeeuw M, Mwananawa N, Uugulu S, Namene E, Amaambo W, Sibanda F, Mufenda M 2014. Contamination of Agricultural Products in the Surrounding of the Tsumeb Smelter Complex. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 15 92-110
Mufenda M, Ellmies R 2009. Characterization of contamination of stream sediments and surface water at Otjihase mine, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 14 41-55
Ellmies R, Amkongo A, Mufenda M, Beukes H, Katjimune M, Kulobone N 2009. Influence of the Daberas Mine on groundwater quality and vegetation at the Orange River. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 14 73-75
Mapani B, Ellmies R, Kribek B, Kamona F, Majer V, Knésl I, Pasava J, Konopasek J, Kawali L 2009. Human health risks associated with historic ore processing at Berg Aukas, Grootfontein area, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 14 25-40