spatial distribution

A distribution or set of geographic observations representing the values of behaviour of a particular phenomenon or characteristic across many locations on the surface of the Earth. (Source: GOOD)

The listing below shows all records tagged with this term.

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Displaying results 401 - 450 of 1968 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bauer AM, Shea G 2006. Lacertidae: Pedioplanis inomata (Roux, 1907) - Plain Sand Lizard. 19
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Pedioplanis inomata_Plain Sand Lizard.pdf 1.44 MB
Irish J 2020. Melissotarsus Emery (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a new country record for Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 4 (B) 19-20
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Melissotarsus Emery_a new country record for Namibia.pdf 1.79 MB
Cunningham P, Cunningham N 2007. Chameleonidae: Chamaeleo dilepis (Leach, 1818) - Flap-neckeded Chameleon. 19-20
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Chamaeleo dilepis _Flap_neckeded Chameleon.pdf 1.75 MB
Cunningham P 2011. Agamidae: Agama planiceps (Peters, 1862) - Namibian Rock Agama. 19-20
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Agama planiceps_Namibian Rock Agama.pdf 364.81 KB
Masterson GPR, Lephuting J, Mathe-Bula J, Shiranda E 2012. Pythonidae: Python natalensis Smith, 1840 - Southern African Python. 26-28
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Python natalensis_Southern African Python.pdf 226.28 KB
Visser J 2012. Elapidae: Naja nivea Linnaeus, 1758 - Cape Cobra. 32-33
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Naja nivea_Cape Cobra.pdf 472.6 KB
Nicolau GK, Lynch KMJ 2019. Pachydactylus purcelli Boulenger, 1910 - Purcell's Gecko. 33-35
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Pachydactylus purcelli Boulenge_Purcells Gecko.pdf 1.78 MB
Heaton JS, Juvik JO, Amutenya K 2015. Testudinidae: Psammobates oculifer Kuhl , 1820 - Serrated Tent Tortoise. 28-29
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Psammobates oculifer_Serrated Tent Tortoise.pdf 600.88 KB
Bauer AM, Ceriaco LMP, Heinicke MP, Blackburn DC 2015. Gekkonidae: Pachydactylus barnardi Fitz Simons, 1941 - Barnard’s Rough Gecko. 35-37
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Pachydactylus barnardi_Barnards Rough Gecko.pdf 633.75 KB
Verburgt L, Verburgt UK, Bates MF 2015. Gerrhosauridae: Gerrhosaurus auritus Boettger, 1887 - Kalahari Plated Lizard. 48-49
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Gerrhosaurus auritus_Kalahari Plated Lizard.pdf 702.53 KB
Nicolau GK, Kemp L, Conradie W 2018. Panaspis wahlbergi Smith, 1849 - Wahlberg's Snake-eyed Skink. 26-30
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Panaspis wahlbergi_2018.pdf 7.19 MB
Cunningham P 2018. Trachylepis occidentalis (Peters, 1867) - Western Three-striped Skink. 32-34
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Trachylepis occidentalis_2018.pdf 1.43 MB
Ceriaco LMP, Bauer AM, Heinicke MP, Blackburn DC 2016. Ptychadena mapacha Channing, 1993 - Mapacha Ridged Frog in Namibia. 19-20
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Ptychadena mapacha_2016.pdf 1.01 MB
Branch WR, Conradie W 2017. Phrynomantis affinis (Boulenger 1901) - Spotted Rubber Frog. 12-14
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Phrynomantis affinis_2017.pdf 2.02 MB
Branch WR, Haacke W, vaz Pinto P, Conradie W, Baptista N, Verburgt L, Veríssimo L 2017. Loveridge's Angolan Geckos. 65-66
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Loveridges Angolan Geckos.pdf 2.32 MB
Spitzweg C, Hofmeyr MD, Fritz U, Vamberger M 2017. Genetic structure of the angulate tortoise Chersina angulata. 51
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Genetic structure of the angulate tortoise Chersina angulata.pdf 2.29 MB