spatial distribution

A distribution or set of geographic observations representing the values of behaviour of a particular phenomenon or characteristic across many locations on the surface of the Earth. (Source: GOOD)

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Displaying results 351 - 400 of 1968 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Gerstmeier R 2019. Supplement to "Checklist of the checkered beetles of Namibia" (Coleoptera, Cleridae). Namibian Journal of Environment 3 (B) 8-13
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Checklist of the checkered beetles of Namibia_2019.pdf 1.49 MB
Duncan GD, Condy G 2013. Eulophia ensata - Orchidaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 2-8
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Eulophia ensata_Orchidaceae_2013.pdf 677.22 KB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Condy G 2013. Aloe mitriformis subsp. comptonii - Asphodelaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 10-15
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Aloe mitriformis subsp comptonii_Asphodelaceae.pdf 625.83 KB
Crouch NR, Smith GF, Condy G 2013. Gasteria croucheri subsp. pondoensis - Asphodelaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 22-30
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Gasteria croucheri subsp pondoensis_Asphodelaceae 2013.pdf 703.43 KB
Duncan GD, Condy G 2013. Lachenalia pearsonii - Hyacinthaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 32-37
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Lachenalia pearsonii_Hyacinthaceae 2013.pdf 591.62 KB
Jaca T, Nkonki T, Condy G 2013. Crotalaria agatiflora subsp. agatiflora - Leguminosae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 44-49
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Crotalaria agatiflora subsp agatiflora_Leguminosae 2013.pdf 592.02 KB
Nkonki T, Jaca T, Condy G 2013. Abrus precatorius subsp. africanus - Leguminosae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 50-55
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Abrus precatorius subsp africanus_Leguminosae 2013.pdf 861.17 KB
Bester SP, Condy G 2013. Cucumis metuliferus - Curcurbitaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 56-64
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Cucumis metuliferus_Curcurbitaceae 2013.pdf 1.05 MB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Condy G 2013. Turnera oculata var. oculata - Turneraceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 72-77
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Turnera oculata var oculata _Turneraceae.pdf 879.05 KB
van Jaarsveld EJ, van Wyk AE, Visagie M 2013. Plumbago pearsonii  - Plumbaginaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 78-82
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Plumbago pearsonii _Plumbaginaceae 2013.pdf 863.08 KB
van Jaarsveld EJ, van Wyk AE, Visagie M 2013. Plumbago wissii - Plumbaginaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 84-88
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Plumbago Wissii_Plumbaginaceae 2013.pdf 892.86 KB
Struwig M, Siebert SJ, Condy G 2013. Commicarpus pentandrus - Nyctaginaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 63 98-103
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Commicarpus pentandrus_Nyctaginaceae_2013.pdf 6.25 MB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Visagie M 2017. Tinospora fragosa subsp. fragosa - Menispermaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 26-33
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Tinospora fragosa subsp fragosa_Menispermaceae_2017.pdf 1.05 MB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Condy G 2017. Caesalpinia bracteata - Caesalpinioideae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 76-83
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Caesalpinia bracteata_Caesalpinioideae_2017.pdf 1.04 MB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Visagie M 2017. Schizostephanus alatus - Apocynaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 112-118
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Schizostephanus alatus_Apocynaceae_2017.pdf 1.11 MB
Welman WG, Condy G 2017. Ipomoea bolusiana - Convolvulaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 132-137
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Ipomoea bolusiana_Convolvulaceae_2017.pdf 792.64 KB
Herman PPJ, Condy G 2017. Rotheca myricoides sensu lato - Lamiaceae: Ajugoideae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 146-152
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Rotheca myricoides sensu lato_Lamiaceae_Ajugoideae_2017.pdf 863.01 KB
van Jaarsveld EJ, Visagie M 2017. Ruellia kaokoensis - Acanthaceae. Flowering Plants of Africa 65 154-158
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Ruellia kaokoensis_Acanthaceae.pdf 837.45 KB
1921. The flowering plants of South Africa. 1
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The flowering plants of South Africa_1921.pdf 19.71 MB
Demasius E 2013. Roberts geographic variation of southern African birds. Lanioturdus 46 (3) 3-6
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Roberts geographic variation of southern African birds.pdf 670.68 KB
Friederich G 2013. A Zambian birding experience trip 3 – 6 July 2012 (Part 3). Lanioturdus 46 (3) 6-16
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A Zambian birding experience trip 3_6 July 2012_Part 3.pdf 1.19 MB
Demasius E 2013. Cuckoo – African or Common?. Lanioturdus 46 (3) 19-20
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Cuckoo_African or Common.pdf 323.9 KB
Skinner G 2013. Birding central and northern Namibia 10 to 20 October, 2012. Lanioturdus 46 (3) 28-33
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Birding central and northern Namibia 10 to 20 October_2012.pdf 690.75 KB
Kolberg H 2013. Summary of the 2012 winter wetland bird counts in Namibia. Lanioturdus 46 (3) 34
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Summary of the 2012 winter wetland bird counts in Namibia.pdf 142.5 KB
Haacke WD 1997. Mabuya acutilabris (Peters, 1862): Wedge-snouted Skink. 33
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Mabuya acutilabris_1997.pdf 3.17 MB
Haacke WD 1997. Mabuya chimbana Boulenger, 1887 - Chimba Skink. 34
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Mabuya chimbana_1997.pdf 3.22 MB
Heideman NJL 1997. Agama etoshae - Etosha Agama. 26-27
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Agama etoshae_Etosha Agama_1997.pdf 3.31 MB
Liebenberg AG 1988. A visit to northern Damaraland, Namibia. 20-22
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A visit to northern Damaraland_Namibia.pdf 1.97 MB
Bauer AM, Lamb T, Branch WR 1999. Additional records of uncommon Pachydactylus. 2-4
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Additional records of uncommon Pachydactylus.pdf 2.61 MB
Haacke WD 1999. Amphibia: Anura: Ptychadena mapacha Channing, 1993: Mapacha Grass Frog. 35
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Ptychadena mapacha.pdf 1.76 MB
Cunningham PL, Nicholas A 2005. Testudinidae: Geochelone pardalis (Bell, 1828) - Leopard Tortoise. 23-24
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Testudinidae_Geochelone pardali_Leopard Tortoise.pdf 1.94 MB