spatial distribution

A distribution or set of geographic observations representing the values of behaviour of a particular phenomenon or characteristic across many locations on the surface of the Earth. (Source: GOOD)

The listing below shows all records tagged with this term.

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Displaying results 1501 - 1550 of 1968 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Croton megalobotrys.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Croton 80.69 KB
TAP_Croton megalobotrys.kmz 1.48 KB
TAP_Croton megalobotrys.pdf 580.14 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Croton longipedicellatus.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Croton 80.7 KB
TAP_Croton longipedicellatus.kmz 1.04 KB
TAP_Croton longipedicellatus.pdf 298.88 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Croton leuconeurus.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Croton 80.62 KB
TAP_Croton leuconeurus.kmz 1.06 KB
TAP_Croton leuconeurus.pdf 298.88 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Croton gratissimus.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Croton 81.35 KB
TAP_Croton gratissimus.kmz 6.86 KB
TAP_Croton gratissimus.pdf 573.63 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Croton gratissimus var gratissimus.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Crossopteryx febrifuga.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Crossopteryx 80.76 KB
TAP_Crossopteryx febrifuga.kmz 1.2 KB
TAP_Crossopteryx febrifuga.pdf 248.65 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Cotyledon orbiculata var orbiculata.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Cordia sinensis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Cordia 81.16 KB
TAP_Cordia sinensis.kmz 2.78 KB
TAP_Cordia sinensis.pdf 446.52 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Cordia pilosissima.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Cordia 80.63 KB
TAP_Cordia pilosissima.kmz 1.12 KB
TAP_Cordia pilosissima.pdf 204 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Cordia monoica.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Cordia 80.9 KB
TAP_Cordia monoica.kmz 2.06 KB
TAP_Cordia monoica.pdf 247.19 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora wildii.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.08 KB
TAP_Commiphora wildii.kmz 2.28 KB
TAP_Commiphora wildii.pdf 710.47 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora virgata.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.19 KB
TAP_Commiphora virgata.kmz 3.63 KB
TAP_Commiphora virgata.pdf 507.86 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora viminea.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.78 KB
TAP_Commiphora viminea.kmz 1.36 KB
TAP_Commiphora viminea.pdf 279.64 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora tenuipetiolata.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora saxicola.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.38 KB
TAP_Commiphora saxicola.kmz 3.74 KB
TAP_Commiphora saxicola.pdf 521.01 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora pyracanthoides.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.76 KB
TAP_Commiphora pyracanthoides.kmz 7.44 KB
TAP_Commiphora pyracanthoides.pdf 495.01 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora oblanceolata.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.88 KB
TAP_Commiphora oblanceolata.kmz 1.36 KB
TAP_Commiphora oblanceolata.pdf 479.07 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora namaensis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.02 KB
TAP_Commiphora namaensis.kmz 1.73 KB
TAP_Commiphora namaensis.pdf 855.51 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora multijuga.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.98 KB
TAP_Commiphora multijuga.kmz 2.93 KB
TAP_Commiphora multijuga.pdf 659.84 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora mossambicensis.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora mollis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.85 KB
TAP_Commiphora mollis.kmz 2.89 KB
TAP_Commiphora mollis.pdf 567.08 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora kraeuseliana.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.01 KB
TAP_Commiphora kraeuseliana.kmz 1.62 KB
TAP_Commiphora kraeuseliana.pdf 701.78 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora karibensis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.63 KB
TAP_Commiphora karibensis.kmz 1.03 KB
TAP_Commiphora karibensis.pdf 436.15 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora gracilifrondosa.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora glaucescens.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.55 KB
TAP_Commiphora glaucescens.kmz 5.3 KB
TAP_Commiphora glaucescens.pdf 492.3 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora glandulosa.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.66 KB
TAP_Commiphora glandulosa.kmz 7.6 KB
TAP_Commiphora glandulosa.pdf 657.39 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora giessii.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.84 KB
TAP_Commiphora giessii.kmz 1.61 KB
TAP_Commiphora giessii.pdf 570.99 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora edulis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.6 KB
TAP_Commiphora edulis.kmz 1.09 KB
TAP_Commiphora edulis.pdf 244.67 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora discolor.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.7 KB
TAP_Commiphora discolor.kmz 1.27 KB
TAP_Commiphora discolor.pdf 553.08 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora dinteri.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.06 KB
TAP_Commiphora dinteri.kmz 1.83 KB
TAP_Commiphora dinteri.pdf 578.97 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora crenato-serrata.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora cervifolia.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.69 KB
TAP_Commiphora cervifolia.kmz 1.13 KB
TAP_Commiphora cervifolia.pdf 582.44 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora capensis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 80.74 KB
TAP_Commiphora capensis.kmz 1.21 KB
TAP_Commiphora capensis.pdf 599.37 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora angolensis.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.39 KB
TAP_Commiphora angolensis.kmz 6.2 KB
TAP_Commiphora angolensis.pdf 642.23 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora anacardiifolia.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Commiphora africana.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Commiphora 81.2 KB
TAP_Commiphora africana.kmz 5.25 KB
TAP_Commiphora africana.pdf 588.94 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum zeyheri.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Combretum 80.96 KB
TAP_Combretum zeyheri.kmz 4.04 KB
TAP_Combretum zeyheri.pdf 508 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum wattii.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Combretum 80.89 KB
TAP_Combretum wattii.kmz 2.15 KB
TAP_Combretum wattii.pdf 467.1 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum psidioides.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Combretum 81.06 KB
TAP_Combretum psidioides.kmz 2.55 KB
TAP_Combretum psidioides.pdf 533.13 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum psidioides subsp dinteri.
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum platypetalum.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Combretum 80.77 KB
TAP_Combretum platypetalum.kmz 1.32 KB
TAP_Combretum platypetalum.pdf 507.04 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum oxystachyum.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Combretum 80.71 KB
TAP_Combretum oxystachyum.kmz 1.38 KB
TAP_Combretum oxystachyum.pdf 259.48 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum mossambicense.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Combretum 80.96 KB
TAP_Combretum mossambicense.kmz 2.2 KB
TAP_Combretum mossambicense.pdf 549.96 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum imberbe.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Combretum 81.28 KB
TAP_Combretum imberbe.kmz 8.78 KB
TAP_Combretum imberbe.pdf 857.66 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum engleri.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Combretum 81 KB
TAP_Combretum engleri.kmz 3.58 KB
TAP_Combretum engleri.pdf 433.29 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Combretum elaeagnoides.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
TAP_Combretum 80.74 KB
TAP_Combretum elaeagnoides.kmz 1.34 KB
TAP_Combretum elaeagnoides.pdf 235.49 KB