spatial distribution

A distribution or set of geographic observations representing the values of behaviour of a particular phenomenon or characteristic across many locations on the surface of the Earth. (Source: GOOD)

The listing below shows all records tagged with this term.

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Displaying results 151 - 200 of 1968 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
McCoy TA 2016. A New Species of Aloe from the Republic of Angola. Cactus and Succulent Journal 88 (6) 277-280
Schmitz A, Mansfeld P, Hekkala E, Shine T, Nickel H, Amato G, Böhme W 2003. Molecular evidence for species level divergence in African Nile crocodile Crocodylus niloticus (Laurenti, 1786). Comptes Rendus Palevol 2 (8) 703-712
Naidoo R, du Preez P, Stuart-Hill G, Weaver LC, Jago M, Wegmann W 2012. Factors affecting intraspecific variation in home range size of a large African herbivore. Landscape Ecology 27 (10) 1523-1534
Cunningham S, Madden C, Barnard P, Amar A 2006. Electric crows: power lines, climate change and the emergence of a native invader. Diversity and Distributions 22 17-29
García-Ripollés C, López-López P, Urios V 2011. Ranging Behaviour of Non-Breeding Eurasian Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus: A GPS-Telemetry Study. Acta Ornithologica 46 (2) 127-134
Williamson DT, Williamson JE 1981. An assessment of the impact of fences on large herbivore biomass in the Kalahari. Botswana Notes and Records 13 107-110
Ringrose S, Matheson W 2001. Spatial characteristics of riparian woodlands in the distal Okavango Delta. Botswana Notes and Records 33 101-114
Dodman T, Katanekwa V, Aspinall D, Stjernstedt R 2000. Status and distribution of the Black-cheeked Lovebird, Zambia. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 71 (1-2) 228-234
O'Connor TG, Puttick JR, Hoffman MT 2014. Bush encroachment in southern Africa: changes and causes. African Journal of Range and Forage Science (Special Issue: Bush encroachment - changes, causes, consequences and cures) 31 (2) 67-88
Bills R 2007. Clarias cavernicola.
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Clarias cavernicola.pdf 2.32 MB
Skelton PH 1990. The status of fishes from sinkholes and caves in Namibia. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 42 75-83
Kipping J, Suhling F Dragonflies of the Okavango River system.
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Dragonflies of the Okavango River system.pdf 283.71 KB
Volk OH 1966. Die Florengebiete von Südwestafrika. Journal of the South West African Scientific Society 20 25-58
2017. April 2017 crane census. 1-3
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April 2017 crane census.pdf 940.76 KB
Edwards S, Cooper S, Uiseb K, Hayward M, Wachter B, Melzheimer J 2018. Making the most of by-catch data: Assessing the feasibility of utilising non-target camera trap data for occupancy modelling of a large felid. African Journal of Ecology
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Making the most of by_catch data.pdf 779.61 KB
Gaerdes J 1974. Geparden in Suedwestafrika. (XIV) 1-12
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Gaerdes_1974_Cheetahs_in_Southwest_Africa_Part1.pdf 652.13 KB
Gaerdes J 1974. Geparden in Suedwestafrika. (XIV) 13-24
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Gaerdes_1974_Cheetahs_in_Southwest_Africa_Part2.pdf 613.69 KB
Gaerdes J 1974. Geparden in Suedwestafrika. (12) 25-31
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Gaerdes_1974_Cheetahs_in_Southwest_Africa_Part3.pdf 372.86 KB
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) 2016. Total extent of bush encroachment.
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SAIEA 2016_Map_Total Extent incl south.jpg 972.73 KB
Curtis B, Mannheimer C 2005. Tree Atlas of Namibia.
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Tree Atlas of Namibia.pdf 62.84 MB
Garbett R, Herremans M, Maude G, Reading RP, Amar A 2018. Raptor population trends in northern Botswana: A re-survey of road transects after 20 years. Biological Conservation (224) 87-99
Wagner TC, Richter O, Joubert DF, Fischer C 2018. A dominance shift in arid savanna: An herbaceous legume outcompetes local C4 grasses. Ecology and Evolution (2018) 1-9
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A dominance shift in arid savanna.pdf 498.27 KB
Gerstmeier R 2018. Checklist of the checkered beetles of Namibia (Coleoptera, Cleridae). Namibian Journal Of Environment (2) 7-21
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Checklist of the checkered beetles of Namibia.pdf 5.28 MB
Keeping D, Burger JH, Keitsile AO, Gielen M-C, Mudongo E, Wallgren M, Skarpe C, Foote AL 2018. Can trackers count free-ranging wildlife as effectively and efficiently as conventional aerial survey and distance sampling? Implications for citizen science in the Kalahari, Botswana. Biological Conservation (223) 156-169
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Can trackers count free-ranging wildlife as effectively.pdf 2.03 MB
Barthold JA, Loveridge AJ, MacDonald DW, Packer C, Colchero F 2016. Bayesian estimates of male and female African lion mortality for future use in population management. Journal of Applied Ecology (53) 295–304
Norton-Griffiths M 2007. How many Wildebeest do you need. World Econonomics (8) 41-64
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How many Wildebeest do you need.pdf 5.56 MB
Riggio J, Jacobson A, Dollar L, Bauer H, Becker M, Dickman A, Funston P, Groom R, Henschel P, de Iongh H, Lichtenfeld L, Pimm S 2013. The size of savannah Africa: a lion's (Panthera leo) view. Biodiversity and Conservation (22) 17–35
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The size of savannah Africa_a lions view.pdf 1.2 MB
Marques MP, Ceriaco LMP, Blackburn DC, Bauer AM 2018. Diversity and distribution of the amphibians and terrestrial reptiles of Angola: Atlas of historical and bibliographic records (1840-2017). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (4) 1-501
Moodley Y, Russo I-RM, Robovsky J, Dalton DL, Kotze A, Smith S, Stejskal J, Ryder OA, Hermes R, Walzer C, Bruford MW 2018. Contrasting evolutionary history, anthropogenic declines and genetic contact in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). Proceedings of the Royal Society B (285) 20181567
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2018. Ministry of Environment and Tourism aerial survey data.
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MET aerial survey metadata.xlsx 14.76 KB
Stolter C, Joubert D, Schwarz K, Finckh M 2018. Impact of bush encroachment management on plant response and animal distribution. Climate change and adaptive land management in southern Africa - assessments, changes, challenges, and solutions 219-225
Greater Sossusvlei-Namib Landscape association 2018. Oryx, Springbok and Hartmann's Mountain zebra tracking data.
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GSNL Wildlife Monitoring database_final.xlsx 5.45 MB
Hauptfleisch M, Theart F 2018. A spatial and temporal assessment of human-snake conflicts in Windhoek, Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment (2) 128-133
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. Cussonia angolensis.
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TAP_Cussonia angolensis.kmz 1.03 KB
TAP_Cussonia angolensis.pdf 292.43 KB
Tree Atlas Project (TAP) 2005. TAP: Nuxia congesta.
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TAP_Nuxia congesta.kmz 1.01 KB
TAP_Nuxia congesta.pdf 198.2 KB