big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 2051 - 2100 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Ndlovu B 2023. Pair nabbed with elephant tusks.
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ZIM_2023_05_Pair nabbed with elephant tusks_The Chronicle.pdf 144.1 KB
Shekighenda L 2023. Tanzania: Anti-poaching drive pays off.
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TAN_2023_06_Tanzania_Anti_poaching drive pays off_AllAfrica.pdf 715.42 KB
Denker H 2023. Powerful deterrents agains wildlife crime. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia 44-47
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Powerful deterrents agains wildlife crime.pdf 557.61 KB
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 2023. Namibia is taking the fight to poachers and traffickers. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia 43-47
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Namibia is taking the fight to poachers and traffickers.pdf 1.54 MB
Bonenfant C, Stratford K, Périquet S 2022. Counting giraffes: A comparison of abundance estimators on the Ongava Game Reserve, Namibia. Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy 2022
Stratford KJ, Guerier AS, Crawford SJ, Stratford SMC, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Bishop JM 2021. Female southern white rhinoceros can select mates to avoid inbreeding. Journal of Heredity 112 (4) 385-390
2023. Two rhinos poached in Outjo.
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NAM_2023_06_Two rhinos poached in Outjo_Informante.pdf 105.98 KB
Matlala AJ 2023. More rhinos poached in Limpopo.
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SA_2023_06_More rhinos poached in Limpopo_The Citizen.pdf 302.87 KB
Elephant - Human Relations Aid (EHRA) 2022. 2022 Annual Conservation Report.
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EHRA Annual Conservation Report 2022.pdf 6 MB