big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 1951 - 2000 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Tendane S 2023. Crime in brief.
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NAM_2023_02_Crime in brief_The Namibian.pdf 271.9 KB
Thebe N 2023. Ivory dealer nabbed in police trap.
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ZIM_2023_02_Ivory dealer nabbed in police trap_NewsDay.pdf 183.96 KB
Hattingh E 2023. Two 'rhino poachers' apprehended.
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NAM_2023_03_Two rhino poachers apprehended_Namibian Sun.pdf 309.21 KB
2023. Man arrested with 2 rhino horns.
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SA_2023_03_Man arrested with 2 rhino horns_STS.pdf 269.64 KB
Moyo-Ndlovu T 2023. Two arrested for possessing ivory.
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ZIM_2023_03_Two arrested for possession of ivory_The Chronicle.pdf 185.22 KB
Mmana FB 2023. NWDC chairman in poaching charges.
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BOT_2023_03_NWDC chairman in poaching charges_thevoicebw.pdf 256.8 KB
Ferguson K, Hanks J 2012. The effects of protected area and veterinary fencing on wildlife conservation in southern Africa. Parks 18 (1)
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Protected areas_vet fences.pdf 5.39 MB
2003. North West Game Counts, June 2003.
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North_West_Game_Counts_June_2003.pdf 570.33 KB
Mnindwa S 2023. Two arrested for ivory possession.
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ZIM_2023_03_Two arrested for ivory possession_The Chronicle.pdf 239.47 KB