big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 1901 - 1950 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Nakale A 2023. Etosha remains poaching hotspot.
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NAM_2023_01_Etosha remains poaching hotspot_New Era.pdf 270.82 KB
Nakashole P 2023. 87 rhinos poached last year.
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NAM_2023_01_87 rhinos poached last year_The Namibian.pdf 311.47 KB
Kohi EM, de Boer WF, Peel MJS, Slotow R, van der Waal C, Heitkönig IMA, Skidmore A, Prins HHT 2011. African elephants Loxodonta africana amplify browse heterogeneity in african savanna. BIOTROPICA 43 (6) 711-721