big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 1301 - 1350 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Shinana A 2021. Four caught with rhino horns.
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NAM_2021_07_Four caught with rhino horns_The Namibian.pdf 580.6 KB
du Preez JS 1971. Game count - Etosha: February 1971.
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Game count_Etosha_February 1971.PDF 155.36 KB
1971. Progress report - Aerial game counts - Etosha.
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1971_Kaross_Khoabendes.PDF 138.28 KB
du Preez JS 1974. Game count - Etosha: April 1972.
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1972_April_Etosha.PDF 305.49 KB
de Villiers PA, MacDonald AR 1980. Lugsensus te Boesmanland 9-17 Junie 1980.
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Aerial Survey of Bushmanland 9_17 June 1980.PDF 879.55 KB
Berry H, de Villiers P 1982. Total aerial census of Etosha National Park.
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Total aerial census of Etosha National Park_1982.PDF 1.7 MB
1984. Bushmanland 1984.
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1984_Bushmanland.PDF 1.26 MB
Holtzhausen JA 1990. Game numbers at Buffalo in the west Caprivi.
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Game numbers at Buffalo in the west Caprivi_1990.PDF 101.31 KB
2002. Annual game census for Nyae-Nyae.
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Annual game census for Nyae_Nyae_2002.PDF 650.56 KB
Kandovazu E 2021. Prophet Babi remanded in custody.
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NAM_2021_07_Prophet Babi remanded in custody_Informante.pdf 555.91 KB
Smit E 2021. Poaching numbers drop.
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NAM_2021_07_Poaching numbers drop_Namibian Sun.pdf 345.95 KB
Nakale A 2021. Nine rhinos poached in 2021.
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NAM_2021_07_Nine rhinos poached in 2021_New Era Live.pdf 408.64 KB
Said MY, Chunge RN, Craig GC, Thouless CR, Barnes RFW, Dublin HT 1995. African elephant database.
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African elephant database_1995.pdf 13.43 MB
Barnes RFW, Craig GC, Dublin HT, Overton G, Simons W, Thouless CR 1998. African elephant database.
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African elephant database_1998.pdf 10.94 MB
Blanc JJ, Thouless CR, Hart JA, Dublin HT, Douglas-Hamilton I, Craig CG, Barnes RFW 2003. African elephant status report 2002: an update from the African elephant database.
Blanc JJ, Barnes RFW, Craig GC, Dublin HT, Thouless CR, Douglas-Hamilton I, Hart JA 2007. African elephant status report 2007: an update from the African elephant database.