big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 1251 - 1300 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Hamalwa F 2021. Cop, soldier nabbed with rhino horns.
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NAM_2021_06_Cop_soldier nabbed with rhino horns_New Era.pdf 587.57 KB
Marais A, Fennessy S 2014. How many giraffes are there in Namibia?. Giraffa 8 (1) 13
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How many giraffes in Namibia.pdf 77.31 KB
Cunningham P 2014. A historic overview of giraffe distribution in Namibia. Giraffa 8 (1) 8-13
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Giraffe population in Namibia.pdf 114.96 KB
Fennessy J, Fennessy S 2014. The first-ever wold giraffe day - 21 June 2014. Giraffa 8 (1) 2-4
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Giraffe day.pdf 835.98 KB
Fraser P 2012. CSI Namibia. Giraffa 7 (2) 10
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CSI Namibia.pdf 83.65 KB
International Giraffe Working Group (IGWG) 2012. Extant giraffe taxonomy: statement from the IUCN SSG ASG International Giraffe Working Group. Giraffa 6 (1) 2
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Extant Giraffe Taxonomy.pdf 71.2 KB
Dean K 2012. Caught on tape: camera trapping in Etosha National Park, Namibia. Giraffa 6 (1) 15
Downloadable files:
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Camera trapping Giraffe.pdf 278.19 KB
Moe SR, Rutina LP, Hytteborn H, du Toit T 2009. What controls woodland regeneration after elephants have killed the big trees?. Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (1) 223-230