big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Huntley BG, Matos EM 1994. Botanical diversity and its conservation in Angola. Strelitzia 1 53-74
Mosepele K, Moyle PB, Merron GS, Purkey DR, Mosepele B 2009. Fish, Floods, and Ecosystem Engineers: Aquatic Conservation in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. BioScience 59 (1) 53-64
1987. Lugsensus Kaudom: August 1987.
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Lugsensus Kaudom_ August 1987.pdf 2.38 MB
Craig GC 2000. Survey of Khaudum/Tsumkwe, Sept. 2000: Preliminary results.
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Survey of Khaudum Tsumkwe.pdf 1022.78 KB
de Villiers PA, Kok OB 1988. Eto-ekologiese aspekte van olifante in die Nasionale Etoshawildtuin. Madoqua 15 (4) 319-338
Demasius E 2014. On Big Foot's trail through the Hoanib River, September 2013. Lanioturdus 47 (4) 25-27
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On Big Foots trail through the Hoanib River_September 2013.pdf 374.05 KB
Sas-Rolfes M, Moyle B, Stiles D 2014. The complex policy issue of elephant ivory stockpile management. Pachyderm 55 62-77
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Pachyderm ivory stockpile 2014.pdf 1.03 MB
Di Minin E, Laitila J, Montesino-Pouzols F, Leader-Williams N, Slotow R, Goodman PS, Conway AJ, Moilanen A 2014. Identification of Policies for a Sustainable Legal Trade in Rhinoceros Horn Based on Population Projection and Socioeconomic Models. Conservation Biology 00 (0) 1-11
Brain C, Forge O, Erb P 1999. Lion predation on black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in Etosha National Park. African Journal of Ecology 37 (1) 107-109
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Lion predation on black rhinoceros in Etosha National Park.pdf 47.42 KB
Berger J, Cunningham C, Gawuseb AA, Lindeque M 1993. "Costs" and Short-Term Survivorship of Hornless Black Rhinos. Conservation Biology 7 (4) 920-924
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Costs and Short_Term Survivorship of Hornless Black Rhinos.pdf 0 bytes
Brodie JF, Muntifering J, Hearn M, Loutit B, Loutit R, Brell B, Uri-Khob S, Leader-Williams N, du Preez P 2011. Population recovery of black rhinoceros in north-west Namibia following poaching. Animal Conservation 14 (4) 354-362
Roskaft E, Larsen T, Mojaphoko R, Raihan Sarker AHM, Jackson C 2014. Human Dimensions of Elephant Ecology. Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems: A Study from Chobe National Park, Botswana